Summoner/necromancer specialization for runemage

so ive heard talk about skill paths for the four classes coming in an upcoming update, and i thought it would be really cool if the runemage could get a summoner path. He would be able to cast much more complex spells to summon creatures to fight for him or support a party in some way. It would be a lot more difficult to play than runemage but i think it would an absolute fantastic addition to an already fantastic class. You guys have any thoughts on this?

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this game needs another healing class, mage is the perfect solution.

I like the idea of a mage being a healer but unfortunately i have to admit it would make the musketeer pointless.

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Also, instead on runemage reagents being used for portals and resurrection, they could be consumed if you cast an extremely powerful ritual to turn enemies against one another, raise dead enemies to fight for you or just summon a powerful creature in general

How would it make the musketeer healer pointless? Just make it different somehow. Like shielding or damage redirect spells.


LOl lets do the necro from old EQ.

They already shield better than Musketeers and have resurrection which should have been a Musketeer ability out of the gate as the healer class. Give them healing and it makes the Musketeer even more pointless. That is what he meant above.

This isn’t a all or nothing show here. Many fun and successful mmo’s have different classes that do similar things. As long as they do it in different ways, who cares? Different strokes for different folks. Let’s wait and see what the devs do with their skill branch system before having class battles.

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I’d like to see one of the tiers of the future Talent Tree be cosmetic-only.

Then one option on that tree could be the necromancer/darkmage/insertinterestingnamehere theme.
With that, many of the spells could have a different spell visual look, but with the same effects and same damage.

A Fireball spell, instead of shooting out a ball of yellow-orange of fire, could maybe shoot forth a disembodied flaming revenant, maybe looking like the one in Hexen (imagine this flying out of your wand: or a flaming skull like the Lost Soul from Doom. Maybe the shooting sound effect changes to a quiet tormented scream.

The Frostbolt spells could be classic ghosts, with blue and white particle effects, shooting out. You know that cold chill that goes up your spine when you see a ghost?

Affliction is already all-black and evil, but what if it looks like a glob of ectoplasm (dripping, leaving little ghastly puddles on the ground of its flight path) with an accompanied sound of souls being eroded away inside it…

Just some fun ideas. :slight_smile:


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