The desync bug, cause of many bugs

This can actually be reliable in breaking by walking towards the playerhouse while switching. I am guessing the loadout switch gets cancelled everytime something in the surrounding gets loaded into render distance.

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Another frequent one: if you kill a caster while theyā€™re link shielding an enemy the shielded enemy is invincible until the shield timer is up.

Basically, you have to interrupt a caster before killing them if theyā€™re link shielding otherwise you lose precious time due to immortal enemies

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As I also play in off-peak times, I can say that I still experience these issues even when there are less than 15 players online at a time. In dungeon queue we get the usual one or two players not being able to hear another, players appearing dead when not, players randomly not being able to use their class properly etc. I have bad internet on my end but I seem to get these as often as others in the group with better internet.

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Sorry for the late extra post, but I just want to add that literally everything in the game that has server and client side agreement on the state of something can desync. And it is guaranteed going to happen at least once if its only a single action like click of a button. I mentioned not even half of them. This is why I stay behind the problem being a general sync up design problem.

The best way to tackle this problem I would say is not finding the action that so called causes the bug the most because they should all be equally happening if my asssumption is right. But find the action you can let happen the most. I would say in the non dev environment that would bw attacking of an enemy. 5 ppl attacking a boss for a few minutes gives alot of individual attacks were there might be one attack not synced up on one of the 5 clients. Chances are it happens at least once every fight were one of the 5 players didnā€™t get the message of an attack of one of the 5 players. Add some debugging code there or even comparing code to immediately find out 1 client didnā€™t get message and you have yourself a good test scenario.

Maybe in a dev environment letting a ā€˜buy item buttonā€™ press 24/7 on a timer with checking if it worked code and your golden xD (but ya maybe you need ppl around it for it to break too)


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