The Role of PvP in the Economy

Personally I don’t really enjoy PVP, but I do enjoy gathering materials, and would like to be able to supply myself with potions. However, unless I go into the PVP zone, or buy from others(not affordable in the long run), I cannot get the potions I might like.
Its a very small reason for me to not play the higher shards as I feel guilty for not having the potions to buff myself. (I’m sure my guild/group wouldn’t mind too much, it’s my own issues)
I do know I could go gather with a group in PVP zones, but I tend to let the group get the goods as they need items too.
Gonna rekindle an older thread here with a potential idea:


I love this idea (flower garden), it would at least give those with less time to do farming of materials in the wilds, a chance at making some potions weekly that could be used for 1 or 2 high level dungeons a week.


^ I really like this idea.

As for factions :thinking: what if it’s more of a fluid system (a faction assigned upon entry, and we aren’t always the same one) and treated like a rolling event (that particular faction asignation only lasts 5 hours)? Maybe there could be different goals to accomplish.
(For the record, I haven’t thought this through much; just my attempt at brainstorming to get something rolling)
I’ve really liked the defend the fort / storm the castle feel that the trickster chest has created

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IMHO, potion materials should spawn at a much higher rate in the Wilds. There’s way too much queens ear that you end up with. A solution could be letting the potion materials required for PvE content spawn at a lower rate with @Daeresha 's flower garden idea, or even in the high level spots in the Non-PvP areas outside of the wilds. This would alleviate the need to go into a PvP area to collect these materials while still making it valuable to venture into the Wilds.


I agree with the idea of having the materials spawn at a much higher rate in the wilds, and on top of that I really like the thought of the area being much smaller. Currently you can spend an hour looking all over between 3 different wilds and never see another person. A highly concentrated area with more rewards would bring more people together in one spot, which I think would be great.


OMG I love this idea!!!
That way you can still fight it out in the wilds for it and if you dont like pvp you have another way to get it that would bring a whole new aspect to the game! Brilliant Dae!!!


I think this is a great idea too, but I think you’d need more of a “hydroponic” setup to grow Crown Foil indoors :wink:.


Raises Hand :slight_smile: - to make it short, I used to farm and fish in the wilds earlier, least in desert and entrance areas (many are blocked by aberrations anyway), never been attacked by anyone (lucky timezone I guess), but haven’t been there since weeks now. Mainly due to time, the evenings are gone in no time with shard dungeon runs - and some farming for runetiles - and if there’s more activity in the wilds now due to the chest, there’s even less of an incentive.
Needless to say we also don’t gather to do anything there, since we are a pve guild, mainly.

The price for this is not using potions requiring mats from the wilds, those I really need were in-accessible anyway since I could not pass the aberrations to get enough mats for them. And the prices at the market are not matching that 1h or what a potion lasts, at all, all this is a too timeconsuming part of the game, for me.

Aberrations would be an intresting challenge I’d go for btw, with a group, to farm dyes etc., but not with gankers nearby ruining everything. It would be so nice if normal tradu abberrations would drop stuff, or perhaps even ONE “farming instance”, no bosses, only full of aberrations dropping stuff :slight_smile: (just a dream, bit OT too)

PS: only now read some other posts I missed, opt-in and out of pvp sounds great I wouldn’t mind the lower rewards, but “rotation timer”, please don’t do that, afais there are fixed times (evenings) where people can always play, and due to timezone these are very different, also i’m not flexible to just leave my raid group to farm cuz the timer just now switches :smiley:

You know reading back on it I think I did not complete my sentiment. I did not mean to make it seam like a PVP vrs PVE thing. Both are important for the game. I was not trying to dis PVP . I was more trying to point out that the way its set up now with the pots being so useful for the things that I do like about the game it puts more pressure on players who don’t like to pvp.
I do see the balance issue though. You want to entice people to pvp and keep it tied to the game. That is not an easy balance to find. I just wish that we found a way to do that without pushing people who dont like to pvp to do so.
I really really really like Daes idea!

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LOL we could use the dragon tank.

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I like the idea of a queued pvp … fellowship vs fellowship between 3 or 4 fellowships… a kind of battlegrounds and you war over lands, at the end of the war, the fellowship with the most lands controlled get their name (ideally a custom banner) displayed all over Highsteppe.maybe hosted once a month?
This should solve the issue with ‘claiming status’ and those who want to participate can and those who dont ,dont.

Another idea, I say leave the pvp areas the way they are but with a slightly higher drop rate for rare mats. This will solve the problem for pvp focused people to benefit and enjoy the game giving them an incentive to play, and still encourage grouping to traverse the wilds for rare mats.

Lastly, have aberration groups with higher than normal health (mini boss) spawn on a timer to random areas of the pve areas. These elite packs will have rare mats but at a lower chance than wilds farming. This should also encourage grouping and allow those who want rare mats the chance to get them free of harassment.

Thats my 2¢ @Riley_D

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Speaking of tank - a similar breeding element for fish in a fish tank would cool too. Few of these posts talk about fishing, which is a particularly important issue as the fisherman is completely defenseless when stuck in combat.

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To be fair, this seems to be what you were trying to do by relegating Open PvP to specific zones and only putting tradeable goods there. It just turns out that people really want access to everything, without trading.

I don’t know if this is true. I’m sure there would be plenty of people who would be willing to trade for all of their wilds mats if they were priced correctly. As it is currently there’s just no way to farm for dram or other desirable non-wilds drops in a manner that makes it even close to equitable in terms of time spent.

This might be alleviated with an increase in wild’s resource spawns. I doubt it though, these prices are set by a very select few who made all of their dram a long time ago and now control the most desirable market stall locations. In order for the increased supply to lower prices, there would need to be a more accessible way for the non 1%'s to sell them.


Just wanted to thank everyone for all the feedback thus far, I am reading all of it, and also thank you all for keeping the discussion very positive and constructive, that’s been very nice :slight_smile:


To be fair, I often sell wilds materials out of (likely) the worst Guild City stall.

This is very true. I believe a good amount of the animosity towards PvP gated materials is plain poverty-meets-need.

Which is why I’m still of the mind that a lot of this might be alleviated by an almost totally unrelated feature: the ability to sell to market stalls.


Or an auction house system. Or some way to exchange goods via in game mail for a price, that way you could coordinate a trade and send goods to a person when they are offline. Then when that person gets online they can get the goods from their mail and the system would automatically send dram back to the selling player.


item mail would be a great addition. Somewhat unrelated to this but true.

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I agree, this could solve other issues that arise from time to time too. Imagine if, instead of having to loot a shard in the middle of a run where you didn’t make the time, it could just get mailed to you instead. We tend to have a lot of issues with the shard chests not spawning or spawning in awkward positions or despawning before we can loot them.

Have to read the thread from 15 to 38. Maybe this has already been suggested…

But here goes. I think PvP should not provide with too many area specific items. My opinion on this is that PvP should just provide an alternative method with an increased benefit over something a non-PvP person could do. Thus if you really want to be efficient and fast then there is the added challenge in the form of a new risk. This risk being ‘players’.

However, at the moment, there are in my opinion, a large number of items are only able to be obtained in the Wilds. These items are also of high value/ demand due to the requirements of them in potion recipes. Thus people who only want to focus on PvE have to in some way venture out to PvP to progress in PvE content.

There are some other things that come into mind. PvP isn’t very dangerous, it is only tradeable things that are lost, which means at most you can make it so you only risk the things you went in there to get, and possibly dram for armor. Then there is the question of how this will play out with more people. Will the PvP zones accommodate large numbers? It would be wise to plan the development of the game with the mind of populated servers with different playstyles.