Things that you think will make Orbus better

I think the dev’s are missing an opportunity to utilize mugwood, would be easy to revitalize interest in the DLC and sell a few more copies.

Add sharded dungeons into the current DLC, one for each zone. Have them drop new legendary weapons that are exclusive to the DLC dungeons, same stats as traditional legendary weapons, new transmogs though. Bugs have been affected by the chaos essence and have grown bigger/stronger, the lizards need help defeating them.

Also, add DLC teleport pillars. You have to use the micronizer to enter/exit the DLC, but once I am there, give me one teleport pillar per zone that I can teleport to with runemage. Put it on the opposite side of the map from where the new dungeon will be.

I really like the world of the DLC but the only reason to go there now is to get one treasure map per day.


Sadly i Don’t think the devs have a plan for utilizing dungeons in the Mugwood dlc due to the fact they are focused on msq stuff how like the chaos dungeons are prioritized due to their hierarchy in the lore. The devs also have to much to work on i really don’t think Mugwood dungeons would happen because it would be like this.
Random guy: “Wanna do a dungeon”
Player: “Sure which one is it”
Random guy “The ruins of Mugwood”
Player “I don’t have the dlc”
This could cause many issues through out the community thinking the devs are forcing us to buy a dlc just to do dungeons others are doing . If it does happen i don’t think the community would react well.

but adding fisher class back would be amazing

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On the topic of dlcs I think that adding guards near highsteppe that would also fight monsters if they are brought close to them like how the guards in the dlc behave

I don’t know how the code is but I assume copying and pasting the code of ai to just somewhere in the overworld with like a guard skin on wouldn’t be all that hard
I feel like this would help bring more life to the world and make it feel more complex


I understand what you are saying, but I feel like that is backwards thinking. Having continued support and development for the DLC will show people that it is a good investment, and not a one and done thing.

DLC should NOT give anyone better armor or gear, it should not be used as or perceived as a pay to win strategy.

However, you can absolutely give great DLC items to grind for that are better/different/more rare than what is currently available. Pets/Capes/Mounts/transmogs/RARE DYES(PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE)/DLC Long terms. Give people a reason to keep visiting the DLC and they will be happy to pay for it.

Let the DLC dungeons have their own shard system, like the treasure maps have their own system. You complete the sharded DLC dungeon, and the shard turns into another DLC dungeon. This way it doesn’t break up the current group doing an overworld shard dungeon run when one of the party members doesn’t have the DLC.

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coding isnt sadly that simple i mean most of it can be copy and pasted. but the problem is from old game we still have the same issues when they made reborn they reused scripts that contained bugs that caused desycs.

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i would think something the lines of
new perks.
more dev interations / dev events
more Q&A.
more transmogs for weapons.

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You hit it right on the head. The DLC is already basically just a bit of extra possible EXP and a bunch of Transmogs, it wouldn’t ruin anything to add new transmogs there, and it would encourage the people who have the DLC to actually go back to the DLC regularly if there was actual stuff to do there.

I also kinda think there should be mission vendors with their own rep in the DLC but that one is just me wanting even more variety in cosmetics because too many people look the same


an idea that may be a little op is maybe like infusing bracers or paying dram or rocks to “repair” them so they level up and last longer. a perk could also be increasing the life of one cos i rly hate grinding at forsaken.


Make Forsaken a pvp zone and give us more to do there. Some missions would be cool.


Yes! That seems like a great idea. It’s dangerous, it’s sparsely populated, it’s not new player friendly.

OK making Forsaken a pvp zone is an awesome idea, but the aggro range of the mobs should be lowered if we do that. Currently you can’t really run or anything because there are too many lv32+ enemies. A solo person can’t currently survive there, which detracts somewhat from how interesting pvp would be. Everyone would be stuck near the spawn because they can’t get past the enemies without a group, or they will get stuck in combat as pally trying to escape.


it should just be what it is in battlegrounds

I would strongly disagree that a person can’t survive out there solo. I collect my treasure maps, obsidian, crown foil, and sometimes fill my grinder pot out there solo.

It can absolutely be done, you just have to be aware of your surroundings and pick your battles wisely. Which, to me, fits right in with PVP.

There will be a ton of surprise murders by twinkletoes out there though.

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2-word summary: Zenith Locomotion

I think there’s a huge opportunity for this now. Zenith VR got very popular very quick. It has brought a lot of players to VR MMO. The magic of Zenith is how freely you can move around the world. Jumping, climbing and gliding. It’s truly immersive and superior to any other VR locomotion experience I’ve seen.

Zenith’s BIG problem? There’s no content. We’re all level 40, there are 2 classes and 3 roles per class. Lack of quests, no instanced dungeons, no LFG. For crafting there’s only cooking really. Social aspect is poor, friends are spread across ‘shards’ and you typically never find the same person again. Everyone’s just grinding the 2 high-level invasions (events), and ONE world boss. Over and over. It gets you mats to craft (or re-craft) the top-level gear in order to re-roll the stats.

So, people are getting bored of the grind and coming over and trying out Orbus. But they are also quickly getting discouraged because of comparatively restrictive locomotion. I mean you can’t even jump off a small slope to get where you’re going! And reading some posts in our guild discord, it’s enough to turn them right off Orbus, unfortunately. And yes, I know you can customize locomotion to a good extent, but still no jumping, or climbing or gliding. As a beginner, they don’t really know just how rich and content-ful the game is, so the restricted movement outweighs the positive, and people just bow out.

And it’s so unfortunate, because I know they’d LOVE it!! And you already have a gliding-like concept in the game, it’s when doing dragon racing! And you have a climbing concept already - there’s a rope near the player house that can be climbed. Seriously, Zenith-like free movement in Orbus would be a game changer, and with a large pool of bored people hungry for more content, Orbus could be that game that fills the need.

Play Zenith. Feel it. You’ll know what I mean. Thanks for listening!


This is SOLID. I don’t think it’d be an easy undertaking to redo the movement system in Orbus, but updating it would absolutely draw in more people.


Eh, it would need a redesign of pretty much everything in the game. Collision, models, movement, bindings, even stuff like fights as locamotion could make it cheesable.

I’m not saying I would protest against locamotion changes, but unless we start making Orbus Reborn Reborn, I don’t think it will ever happen. It’s just going to be a fundamental difference between Zenith and Orbus.


Orbus 3: The Third Birth.

The world isn’t designed for flight as it’s mostly flat. Also an issue I found with Zenith is how easy it is to cheese enemies with movement. Orbus would need a lot of changes to make it even a possibility, but it would be really cool.

Tbh even just being able to jump from the crystal cave ramp down to the teleport pillar or basic downhill height shortcuts would feel considerably better than the current glued to the ground we have now. Ramps are evil


Pally hammer for the win.

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