
看到关于这个游戏的报道,感到十分开心。因为这就是我心中所期望的游戏。我觉得VR游戏应该走这条路,才是正确的。用心做好改革中细节,这个游戏必将是VR游戏的一个真正的里程碑。其实纵观现在的VR游戏,不难发现,品质好的游戏很多,但是他们忘记了一个很重要也比较明显的问题, 那就是现在的游戏基本都是快餐型的对战类,剧情单机类。游戏粘度是个大问题。因为是VR对战类又太耗费体力,休闲的粘性不好。如此只有MMORPG才是正确的道路。战斗细节做好点,毕竟最常出现。各种技能搭配或者是天赋,多样化一点。肯定卖座啊!~ 这么一看,此游戏的开发商就是一个很有头脑的公司。继续下去,争取做VR游戏界的巨头!~~

I am very happy to see the report about the game. 'cause that’s what I’m hoping for. I think it’s the right way for VR games to go this way. Do a good job in the details of the reform, the game will be a real milestone in the VR game. In fact, looking at the current VR games, is not difficult to find good quality games a lot, but they forgot a very important and obvious problems, it is now the basic game is fast food type of war, the story of single class. Game viscosity is a big problem. Because it is the VR class war is too expensive, casual sticky. So only MMORPG is the right way. Battle details do a good job, after all, most often appear. A variety of skills or talent, diversity. Certainly hit ah! So look, this game is a very good developer of the company. Continue to strive to do VR gaming giant! ~ ~

Thanks for your support! And for translating that post! :slight_smile: