Twitch chat overlay

Is there any plans on adding support for this kind of program in the future?

Its a nice neet program that allows you to read Twitch chat in game by flipping a controller. Saves you the effort so you don’t have to take off your headset to read the chat

You don’t need Orbus to make something for this system to work? I have seen multiple people stream with such a chat read window in game.

I personally recommend and can confirm it works with orbus

I’ve been in contact with the dev to get that worked and fixed, and he’s probably going to get something worked out, but it still has issues. He also made OVRdrop, which is on steam, and that’s what I’m using, in combination with It works exactly the same as openvrtwitchchat but it’s a lot more functional and the program can be used display any window at all. I copied the alignment settings from openvrtwitchchat into OVRdrop and it works like a dream. Best of all, because doesn’t require me to use an auth token to sign in every time, it’s less vulnerable. If you’ve got any questions just shoot me a message.

I tried OVRdrop first. but i can’t get it to work ingame. It works fine when i’m in the oculus home screen

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