In the fort by Guild City there is a little arena with a Level 20 training dummy.
On the outside, outer perimeter of this arena is a raised catwalk. If you teleport onto it, there’s no way to get back down, you can’t teleport back to the ground.
Can’t walk off it with sliding motion either.
I was able to get down by targeting the training dummy with my sword’s teleport charge. My friend had to summon a mage portal.
I can’t confirm, because I think we were befuddled by not being able to use the teleport laser off the catwalk that while we were walking all around it (and I do use artificial locomotion normally) we may have missed going on the ramp?
I had the same initial reaction… Why can’t I get off?!? but I walked around to the other side and there was a ramp that I could walk down. it’s just weird you can ‘jump’ up but not down.