Uncap poison on enemies

Ok so for as long as I’ve played there has been a cap of how many poisons can be on an enemy at a time this cap is shared between scoundrel and ranger and so this has become an issue due to the fact that you will have 2 scoundrels and 2 rangers and that is pretty much poison cap which is so annoying cause you’ll be having a great boss fight perfectly duping poison and then 2 ranger poison and 2 mediocre scoundrels apply poison and there goes your dps. And I don’t want to hear anyone say “oh well mage affliction is capped so it’s fine that poison gets capped.” No this is objectively wrong due to the fact that 1. Rotation mage and fire mage are close to the point that a fire mage with rotation buffs can do as much or more than a rotation mage, this is not the case for poison scoundrel so swapping builds is an objective dps loss for you and dont say oh you apply breakshot with scott poison build that is a talent with no direct connection to poison so no. And number 2. It’s not just other scoundrels messing up poisons its rangers. So in conclusion please get rid of the cap on poisons.


I’d say instead of just removing the cap put the cap on the player so each player can only have 3 posions applied at any one time.


:sob: MUH DPS

Joking/teasing aside, I don’t think uncapping poison stacks on enemies is the solution here.

The correct solution is what Zachington said. Put a cap on poisons from each individual player, but don’t make those players share poison stacks.


This is not the solution cause while it is likely decent if you’re in a raid with more than a few scoundrels this is a direct nerf to scoundrel dps scoundrel solo due to the fact that scoundrel can reach more than 3 poisons solo and not just on the card set up it can happen mid fight aswell

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A cap on the individual player is fine by me but not 3 poisons 3 is less than what scoundrel can reach solo switch the cap of 5 to be only 5 that one person can apply

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In like the least mean way I can ask can I get a full reason on why you would rather a cap of 3 than just uncapping it?

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I didn’t say 3, and didn’t realize Zach said 3 either.

Take the existing cap, but apply it on a per-player basis. I think that’s the ideal solution to what you’re talking about, not uncapping poisons entirely.

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To be fair, uncapping poisons on enemies and raising to cap to 5 poisons per person is the same exact thing, as I’m pretty sure it’s impossible to get 6 poisons at once solo. It’s almost impossible to do 5. But yeah, this would be a very good change that gets rid of the silly diminishing returns of bringing multiple of 2/4 DPS classes.

Edit: Doing some quick math, even 3 poisons per person is fine. The situation to get 4 poisons either requires setting up cards or perfect RNG. The almost negligible decrease to solo DPS would definitely be worth the massive gain to party dps.

Even if the 3 poison per person is “fine” I still dont see why we should take any sort of trade off at all 4 or 5 per person is fine by me would rather 5 tho


When will he realise the devs will never listen or change anything

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I mean, hey, maybe instead of doing content releases for a few months, they can apply some community feedback for a lot of these smaller issues that would just make the game better and increase retention.

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Or just drop it and work on another vr mmo game clean slate. Reborn reborn but pc only

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Just wondering here, I mean, that might not be the case, but what if uncapped poison stacks brought more glitches to the game? Maybe not for regular battles that we do with only a few players, but how bout raids and WBs? Some of those get glitchy every now and then with the current stacks config - NOT because of the poison stacks, for sure, but it could be an extra factor

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Poison stacks are probably not an issue. DoTs and status effects have never really causes syncing issues in the past, as all they really do is send a damage number to your client every second. It’s like, 8 bytes of data per second, which is negligible compared to, say, a runemage for example.

I mean, hey, the worst that could happen is that the poison stack isn’t read by the server and we lose a poison when too many are applied, but that’s literally exactly what happens now. Uncapping it would just change from a guanreteed chance for stacks to not apply to a small chance for stacks to not apply.

Plus, if scoundrel cards work how I suspect they do, it won’t actually cause any more data to be sent when registering poisons.


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