UPDATE: FOUND : Is there a client we can preinstall and update to be ready for EA and launchies?

Is there a client we can preinstall and update to be ready for EA and launchies? super excited

found it, its https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1op3AfjcmYMnNBX51-LMSPCZjfwEghxfb&export=download

Hey Donald, the client is moving to steam and oculus so unfortunately the current client won’t work for EA.

Hallo everyone,

dose someon know if we get a preload on steam and/or oculus store bevor the Early acces starts. Some may not have a good internet, like me, and it would be cool to have this option.

I honestly don’t know the answer to this yet, I am still finding out how all this going to work from the various store folks.

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So it may come if you figure it out. Sounds good

Iam very sure that you cant preload Early Access Games on Steam, maybe on Oculus Home, but on Steam its not possible.

Is that just for Early Acces games? Because you can definintely preload certain games if you preorder them. Edit: On Steam, that is.

I think its only for Early Access Games, its the same reason why you cant preorder Early Access Games.

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