Usually it’s just eyes or toung, but also items I bought at a stall tend to randoly vanish between logins. Anything in the house seems to be safe. Anyone else with similar problems?
I keep seeing threads like this pop up, but I have never had such an issue. Are you sure they were not misplaced? Maybe you have a video where it happens? I have had cases where I thought I picked up an item and walked away, only to find that I had mistakenly dropped it behind myself instead of placing it in my bag. But items vanishing from my bag mysteriously? Never. Heck, I have even picked up items right before I get the common disconnection bug that are still in my inventory when I re-log… I would imagine, if anything, that those items would be lost forever. The inventory system’s persistence has been solid for me since I started playing about 100 hours ago. I feel like this problem is similar to how some rune mages claim they cannot cast spells despite drawing things perfectly: your mind expects one thing, but reality disagrees?
Can’t get a video of it as it’s upon login in and out, and it’s not consistent. But I did buy 2 teeth, (and 2 spores by mistake) emidietly before loging out, planing to make fish lures on my next log in. Upon my next log in, teeth, spores, eyes, old lures, all gone. My inventory is unusually clean. And just a fuw tadpoles and a blue scale in my work bench chest. No teath in any inventory slot. Started checking my next few logins, and found tung and eyes to vanish sometimes. No big loss, just figured it was a bug.
I lost my main weapon tonight while fishing. I logged in between. When I finished fishing, I went to equip my main weapon and it was gone. Possibly the same issue?
This has been happening to me as well. I made potions and it gave me the 2 ruined pots but not the 2 successful healing pots, they’re just gone.
I’m gonna try it again later today and see what happens
do you have any other healing pots in your inventory that it could of stacked on? Like you had one healing pot already in your inventory and now theres three?
It was actually the first time I was making potions. I definitely got the ruined potions because I killed myself with one but not knowing they were deadly LOL. I’m in game right now and I’m going to go home and create some potions and see what happens. Maybe it’s just like a first-time bug which would of course be unlikely but hey you never know haha
No its very possible its a bug I was just trying to rule out the easy fixes first makes our job easier if they are the easy fix, but they usually aren’t haha.
Potions work fine now, I can see the 1 in inventory. Weird, I’m gonna test putting items into my inventory (basic materials x2) and see if any dissapear over the next few days and will post results.
okay sounds good thanks for trying it again, let us know if you have the problem again.
So I’m going to go ahead and close out this thread because this is one of those generic things which is probably not the same thing for everyone (for example, Brett’s issue was totally unrelated to the original posting). If you do get a bug such as this in the future, please feel free to make a new post and we’ll investigate it, but as far as I’ve seen so far, no one is actually losing items.