Last night my spouse and I got to play together finally. So I started using the party system more. We had some major bugs with it.
Upon re-logging in a party, I was still in a party but the people in my party showed as “unknown” and I could not remove them. For some reason, my husband was no longer partied with me.
This is a major one. I don’t know if this is by design, but if you want credit for a quest mob you ALL have to tag the mob. This is kind of ridiculous because if you have a party of 5 people often the mob dies before everyone even has a chance to hit it. I’ve never seen this kind of mechanic in an MMO. Usually if someone in the party kills the thing, everyone gets credit. What is the point of even being in a party since anyone who hits the mob gets credit, party or not?
At one point though my spouse said he saw me in the party, I couldn’t see him in it and he wasn’t showing on my compass (green arrow) though he could see me on his.
I was about to FINALLY finish the donkey quest, when right at the end, everyone disappeared, including the donkey. It seemed like I was warped to another instance of the game because I was totally alone. Then, suddenly after wandering around a bit, everything warped back into being. Screw that donkey quest! (I did end up finally finishing it after like 6 attempts).
For the first one was “the re-logging” your first login of the day, like you went to sleep in the party and came back or was it you logged back into the game after restarting your client?
people in parties only get credit (exp or loot chance) if they’ve tagged the mob. If you’re in a party even if you hit it once you’ll get the same amount of exp for the monster (depending on level and amount of party members participating), but when you’re not in the party when you tag a monster it goes to how you participated in the battle (healing, dps, to tanking). When there’s 5 people in the party teaming up on a lower tier mob then you’ve just got to be quick enough to hit it. Elite mobs have more HP and are harder to kill making them worth fighting in groups because you’ll get more exp and better loot as well.
for 4, that’s just lag. either server or personal.
So yea it happened again this time to my spouse. We logged in at the same time, but couldn’t see each other in the world. It’s like the server is lagging. We have a fibre connection so I don’t think it’s just our internet.
I logged in fine but for him, there were no real people for about 5 minutes, and though it let us join a group we couldn’t see each other in the world or on the compass.
Were you disconnected before this happened or had you just logged off without leaving the party and came back to this? Were you then able to leave the party and rejoin with your previous party and resolve the issue?
In order to receive quest credit you must be on the aggro table for the encounter. So, if you’re in a fight and you either damage the enemy creature or heal an ally you will receive credit for the fight. This applies to quest credit as well as experience and loot qualification for the encounter. However, as long as you are on the aggro table you qualify for the full credit for everything, instead of the two solo player breakdown of giving percentage based chances based on participation in the encounter.
I’m not positive, but based on some of your follow-up posts it sounds like you may be experiencing issues with the instance sharding. Basically, when one zone gets too full a new instance of that zone is created and players can spawn in both. Once you are in a party you will be loaded into the same zone, but you will need to exit and re-enter the zone you are currently in before being placed into the same one as the rest of your party. So, if you party up with your husband and you’re both in Highsteppe one of you can enter and exit your player house really quick and you should be all set.
So there is a bug that we’re working on where players get transported into empty instances where no other players or NPCs appear. Usually using the “To Graveyard” button in the General tab of your settings will resolve the issue.
Overall, sorry for the inconvenient experience you’ve had so far. If any of these responses don’t seem to fall in line with what you’re seeing feel free to elaborate on those differences and we can try to figure out what’s happening. Thanks!
Thank you. That was really helpful. It’s not game breaking I just thought I should report this stuff. Is there an easy way to search current bugs so I don’t report stuff twice? Kind of hard to search for the exact wording.
I am pretty sure I logged off due to the instancing bug and came back to this. Often I notice, there are “unknown” players in our party after logging back in, but since then they seem to be removable.