Just checking if it’s only me, but I am playing on a VR-ready laptop currently, in a climated room, a cooling fan pad etc., and cpu temp is normally going up to around 70-80 degree while raiding, which is hot but still fine. I check temp all the time during playing and just yesterday in a normal & hard mode raid it was fine.
Today in the expert raid it jumped to a frightening 95 degree and above which makes it too risky to play. Could that be related to the number of people around - not in our instance though - on patch day or the actual mechanics of the first raid boss or any changes in the latest patch? Anyone else noticing very high cpu temperatures?
It wouldn’t have anything to do with people outside of your instance, no. That is weird though. We didn’t really make any changes to the raid’s models or anything like that which should affect CPU/GPU usage.
Ugh ye that looks like mine yesterday, so you are running like this all the time? It freaked me out when I saw it close 100 because I read that’s the max for my cpu model. I wonder if it’s just shutting down if it goes past or if I could break it running like this…
Mine has been running a bit warm but it has been nasty hot weather. Our energy bill was over $500 and the AC still cant keep up. So I just assumed that it was the weather. My pro aftermarket cooling system is helping lol.
This basicly. After the burning athlon movie 10+ years ago where a cpu was running without a heatsink and catched fire throttling is a very serious thing in cpu land, it will just clock down untill it reached normal temps. Gpu s do this also.
Thats the movie btw. Needless to say amd do throttle down nowadays.
Yea that’s a good thing. As for comments of others - might be directed at Kamina tho - I am actually well aware on how to build a pc with nice cooling (yet there are different opinions about pad vs. paste, I go with paste normally but the default pad is fine too in most cases), did that countless times and got none of those issues with my desktop pc.
On laptop it’s all different, I am reluctant to even open it to undust, there would my warranty go… will probably turn it in to support if it’s getting that bad at every raid now.
Just an update, I logged the “normal” temperature on my desktop’s CPU during raids, it is around 50-51 degree Celsius, only! So it is likely, definitely, a laptop issue (and I guess there is no such thing as a truly “VR-ready” laptop, no matter what they say…).