I know I asked about it years ago back in beta but was support ever added in? It has support for keyboard controls as well if the SDK wasn’t implemented. I’m just curious since I haven’t gotten to play in the last year since my vr setup had to be shelved. If it hasn’t would it be possible to add support in a future update?
i mean… is the plan to not use teleport? because you are going to die if you never use teleport.
I feel teleport breaks the immersion way too much, if I am just walking around the map I’d rather actually walk in combat I still teleport since it is necessary although I think the game would be better if it was tuned to actually allow for your own reflexes to dodge.
If it was tuned such that it would be dodge-able without teleport, then it would be boring for everyone who uses teleport, and for everyone who doesn’t have an expensive vr treadmill in their house.
I can hardly wait for VR treadmills to become more mainstream! Someone posted this past February and it doesn’t seem to have worked as of then, but responses make me hopeful it’s on the eventual to-do list
The game already has roomscale tracking in it so it would just need to be tuned where a quick hop out of range would suffice, teleporting is no different than a quick hop in a certain direction. I understand that VR treadmills are expensive but with things like the Oculus Quest and the Vive wireless adapter cutting cords then things like this become more viable when roomscale tracking is factored in.
the main problem with vr treadmills is that they suck. we need an animus (like in the assassins creed movie).
The ones that work don’t feel real and the ones that feel real don’t work.
Full dive VR would be nice but I dont think we will have that technology in our lifetime, the best we have is room scale tracking which doesn’t do too bad for immersion. I enjoy my Omni and it does a decent job with reproducing locomotion as long as it is set properly. I’ve logged plenty of hours on minecraft and even messed around using it to control my character on Final Fantasy 14 to make some older content more challenging and once you get used to it the walk is pretty natural with a heel to toe movement vs the flat footed walking of some of the other treadmills. I understand the price tag of them is also very off putting to the general consumer but it would be nice to have as many options for VR setups as possible. All it requires is to have the arrow keys mapped to it for movent, I’m attempting to map the Vive touchpad to it for sliding locomotion but I’m not too sure how to go about doing that. In a similar vein the same argument for treadmills can be made for the Valve Index controllers, they arent necessary and fairly expensive but native support for them would be nice for those that have them to make setup easier while not impacting gameplay too much but enhancing immersion.
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