Warrior - Fixing unreliable Blessing of Might/Benevolence activation

Currently, the level 20 Blessing talents are activated by simply raising your blade in the air. When does a warrior usually raise their sword?

  1. When the Warrior is pulling the sword out since it requires the player to reach over their shoulder.
  2. In the midst of battle when swinging their sword, especially in downward strokes to go over the shield.

This means that the warrior is firing off their Blessing talent at all sorts of inappropriate times. That coupled with the long cool-down pretty makes these talents useless since it is super hard to apply them tactically during a fight.

I offer a simple solution: Make the activation a sword raise above the head AND a trigger press on the controller holding the sword.

Similar to a Shield Bash, where you have to hit the target with the shield AND press the trigger to activate, the Blessing could also use a trigger press along with some physical action in order to activate.


While I wouldn’t say that it’s useless/hard to apply tactically as I and many others have no problem using them at the right time/not using them when we don’t want to, I think needing to the pull the trigger wouldn’t be a bad addition at all :slight_smile:


Fair enough. Having reached 30, I have to think really hard about not accidentally raising my sword hand in the air. Whenever I equip my sword, I have to kind grab and awkwardly twist my arm and wrist and drag it along my side. And during battle?
I always have my sword upright to deliver a quick overhead cut. I’m sure given enough time, I can train myself to never raise my sword but that’s not very realistic.
A vertically held sword is a common stance in martial arts, and something I have trained in for years now.

At any rate, thanks for your reply Meshka. I love your videos. They’ve helped me a lot. Your warrior/bard solo for the Lich king was awesome.

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I complained about the blessing activation when it was first introduced because i used to provoke weird which would always trigger it. I just learned to play differently and I too have to unsheathe my sword with a weird bend to the side lol. I’ve never liked it, but I’ve adapted. I wouldn’t mind adding a trigger pull to it. Swordrush with a horizontal trigger pull. Blessing with a vertical one.

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