For a while now(like several years probably) the water in the rainforest has been waaaay too bright at daytime, it’s basically just white. This is an eyesore, but also makes fishing really annoying since you can’t see the splash animation on the bobber and most of the time you can’t even see the bobber.
Hulthine isn’t really bad, but the pattern is very bright and looks odd IMO. Mostly fine for fishing, but if the fish bites while the bobber is over the bright spots you won’t see it.
As I’ve mentioned previously, the problems with the bright water is made even worse for fishing by the fish biting haptics being indistinguishable from the reeling haptics.
I agree the water is too bright (time of day in orbus dependent). I play on the quest 3 over pcvr (quest link not virtual desktop, not steam) and I rely completely on the haptic of the fish biting while I reel in fairly fast. I don’t have the haptic issue. I don’t associate not seeing the bobber with water brightness either. Even in darker water times I don’t see the bobber. Honestly, I’m more surprised when I do see the bobber as I forget that is even a thing you are supposed to see. The brightness definitely washes out the splash though and it’s hard to look for extended periods at even outside the hidden splash issue.
huh, I use that exact same setup, q3 over link, yet I can’t feel the fish biting at all. Are you running orbus with just meta link or are you using steamVR as well?
just meta link, I didn’t like the controller positioning and mapping when I tried it over steam so I never went back to that. My controller vibration intensity setting is set as high as it will go.
huh, weird that I can’t feel the difference then, I also don’t use steamVR for the same reason, well and mage turning.
I realize this is the case for rainforest at least, but most other places I have no trouble seeing the bobber(aside from brightness issues), does get covered by a wave now and then, but usually I can see it.
Nice topic. When I do fishing and the water is too bright, instead of waiting for the bobber, I just keep on hooking over and over until I see the line getting red.
That is tiring as hell, I know. But that is the only way that seems to work for me
That particular spot hides the bobber aswell, if you try fishing down the bottom of highstep you should see the bobber, as well as pretty much anywhere else i can think of other than the rainforest.
Yeah the rainforest is definitely too bright.
On PCVR (index) the haptics are definitely different for bites though, its clearly noticeable. A drawn out constant vibration rather than a short, intermittent ticking