Weakpoints on monsters

Think we will ever get weakpoints on enemies? I feel like this could put a lot of strategy into the game for both early and end game players, even if weak points were only placed onto bosses.

Whether this would be directional (attacking from behind/side/front) or object oriented (visual aspects of the enemy taking more damage such as the head or joints) I feel like this could benefit the game simply because it’s in VR. Most MMOs don’t have this opportunity or haven’t taken it, and since 3/4 classes are ranged, I feel like this could add to the depth and raise the skill cap for the runemage and ranger at minimum, and would cause groups to work on their positioning if it were directional.

Just curious about what others think about this?


Weakpoints can be interesting, especially if they “break” after you’ve done enough damage to them (so you aren’t forced on just a single weakpoint the entire fight).

Certainly not against the mechanic, but it could require pretty significant changes to the game under the hood = time.

Hm not sure. There’s alot of movement and coordinating with the group, healer, etc. already. It would likely make all harder and possibly conflicts with existing boss mechanics or classes like the ranger where distance is most important and have fun running to the opposite side of the boss and then get your distance back, just because his weakness point is out of sight…

As a healer I’m actually glad if everyone gets to jump out of the AoEs or stands still for a second if aggro changes, a certain shooting angle and all dmg dealers hoping around even more searching for these spots, too, would surely add difficulty to all bosses or at least increase the lengths of fights.
Now with our groups there’s already a 10min+ wash-rinse-repeat fight on many TM bosses, which requires lots of concentration from everyone.

But then there’s also a technical and physical point, technically it’s likely not easy implementing small (working!) hitboxes like joints inside a boss, so the most doable thing would be to distinguish between head and body.
That in return would require much more starring up during fights like to the Sentry which is already a bit exhausting. This aspect of VR I don’t really enjoy, the Oculus is still too heavy for that (and heard the Vive even more), don’t think that’s healthy for the spine either.

Yeah this would be neat, and definitely crossed my mind, but that would require a lot more time than just adding more hitboxes that do increased damage, so I felt like it was a bit of a stretch to ask about it :stuck_out_tongue:

@Alice_ArgLeaveTheRed Yeah I get that there is a lot of movement and coordination, but once groups really get the hang of a fight (after killing the same boss 30,000 times) you eventually find places where you’re comfortable and nobody really has to move around much.

Adding weakpoints to an enemy wouldn’t detract from any current mechanics (I wouldn’t think, at least) as it would just give ranged players a better target for what to hit, and if they did hit it, perhaps a 10% damage increase for that hit. Even distinguishing between head and body would be good enough for me tbh :stuck_out_tongue:

Leaving current resistances on enemies and adding an additional target to increase damage wouldn’t exactly prolong the current fights if you weren’t worried about hitting it, but could potentially decrease the time spent on a fight if you were.

But yeah…

this is the key… Haha!

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There’s one boss (mistkeeper )in tradu mines wich already has some kind of a weakpoint wich u can trigger with a well timed shieldbash the moment he pulls back for his tankbuster. Doing it correctly makes it only hit you once instead of 2 times. It also comes with a nice trip animation before it so i’m Sure the knowledge is already there for weakpoints.

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As a ranger i would totally like it. My job against most of the bosses is always standing still while shooting the bosses, which are so big that i don’t even need to aim. Having specifing targets would definitely make it more fun for who already killed a boss a lot of times, and it won’t affect the less experienced players if the base damage doesn’t change.

I think it would be awesome and solo levelers would have an advantage if they could hit the weak spots so it isn’t such a spam battle of who can hit the other more. Sadly with current hitboxes they would have a LOT of work to get it functional. Maybe something for an expansion to compliment a rogue or new dps type class? Would add a sweet new dynamic. Maybe a monk class that hits pressure points to charge up chi points or something. There are a lot of possibilities for a system like this.


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