I don’t know if this is a wide spread issue, but this method of communicating is at best annoying and at worst impossible to use. Every time I try to talk to my friend it ends up being 3-5 minutes of “Can you hear me? I can hear you” followed by silence then “Can you hear me? Were you trying to talk?”
I almost always have to take my head set off and call them if I want to have any semblance of a coherent conversation. There is no way this is working as intended and I seriously doubt we are the only two people with low ms and otherwise zero lag issues having this problem.
I don’t think it’s the compass communication so much as the voice system in general. I run into a similar situation with just local voice chat on occasion.
I have this issue as well. Mostly over the compass, when we’re near eachother there’s a lot less issues. Most of the time when my fellowship tries to chat over the compass we give up and meet near eachother instead.
Fellowships, and friends, are using Discord for continuous voice chat.
In Orbus, you can’t speak nor hear during any loading screen, including the “micro” load screens (frame drops?) such as when crossing the stone bridge between Guild City & the Fort or outside of Highsteppe by the vulpes & deer when passing the lake on route to New Kingsport…
The downside to using Discord, aside from relying on a third-party site for functionality, is that then we mute our in-game mics so we don’t hear 2 sources (echoing) when together. And therefore in public the players around us can’t hear us and we can’t chat or comment unless we make the effort to go into the menu and turn our mics back on. That’s no fun! I love to say hi as I pass people! =)
(A push-to-talk button would solve this, at least.)
We’re always trying to improve our voice chat system and have had a lot of patches touching it. You’re saying that it’s fellowship in particular that always has issues? Have you noticed a change recently for the better or for worse?
Oh yeah!! you speak to me from the soul!!! it is so incredibly annoying. We no longer use the compass, we are using Discord. no optimal solution. so we must mute us. but then we dont have arms. that is also extremely annoying if u cant see the arms from your friends… The game is really great, but I see that as a big problem
As a new player to the game I have had nothing but issues with the compass and talking to party members. Just as the comments above say, it’s a lot of can you hear me? 99% of the time it’s not working as intended. Since I just started I cannot attest to the update regarding the compass and voice. I hope it gets fixed soon.
At this point the Party communication with the compass almost never works. That’s not an exaduration either, after some testing with a few friends, only 1 out of roughly 5 voice transmissions actually went through when using the red compass.
Using it always has to done as truckers do by ending everything you say with a confirmation request. “Let’s meet up in front of the dungeon, comeback.” “I read you, moving to dungeon, do we still need a healer?” … … “I repeat do we still need a healer” … … … “I repeat…”