Why is there such a ranged bias in this game?

The 2 melee classes are so boring. Warrior has a combo repeat, but by the time it charges you could’ve use another combo and a half. Only 2 of warrior’s combos are worth using. Paladin can’t even attack with their giant hammers unless it has a charge on it because reasons.

Meanwhile mages are casting 10 fireballs in the time a warrior can get 2 combos off. Bard is afk dealing more damage, healing, and supporting than either melee class could hope to. Archers are sitting back dropping consistent dps even when not using their special arrows. Duelists one shot everything. Musket boys have so many options its hilarious.

The only class that gets screwed over as much as melee is Shaman. After you drop your totems and throw your balls you tend to stand around and do nothing while waiting for more balls.


Oh boy, here we go.

The TOP mages can do around 3 fireballs per second, usually sustaining around 2.5. Most end game warriors can get 1.5 or so Provokes per second. Not to mention that fire spam is not the ideal rotation for optimal DPS. So… 10 fireballs per 2 combos? No. More like 10 fireballs per 5 combos lol

If the Bard is not actively hitting notes, their effects are getting weaker. Hitting notes fills up the blue bar. The more full the blue bar is, the more potent the effects. If it’s empty, the Bard is not affecting anything. An AFK Bard is a useless Bard, just like an AFK Mage is a useless Mage. What level Bard are you out of curiosity?

Rangers need to use their special arrows to deal decent damage. I don’t think you’ve played this class much.

Scoundrels (I’m assuming that’s what you meant by duelist?) cannot one shot most things in the game. I’m guessing you haven’t played this class much either.

Musketeer is a healing class, and even spec’d out for damage can’t really put much hurt on baddies. How much time have you spent as a Musketeer?

Shaman isn’t screwed over in the least. It’s an incredibly low skill floor class that gives VERY decent damage with minimal effort.


Honestly, if you think the tank classes are boring, you’re not doing it right. To be a good tank takes a lot of skill, practice, and impeccable timing. That is why they are so in demand for end-game content.

A skilled tank will never be without shards or raids to run.

Shaman is a fantastic class. In fact, you just dissed my two main classes in a single post :laughing:


I feel like you fundamentally don’t understand what class archetypes are. Warriors and paladins are tanks.

Tanks are basically the shield of the party. They don’t really do a lot of damage but they keep everyone else safe by making enemies target them and being good at not dying. The thing with tanks is that a lot of their complexity comes from the fact that they need to adapt their play depending on what they are fighting. Every boss fight is entirely unique and mastering exactly how to do all of them is an expression of skill and keeps the combat engaging and fresh.

Dps classes on the other hand generally tend to stand far away from enemies and do lots of damage. They have more complex tool kits because they generally don’t tend to need to adapt a whole lot beside occasionally dodging projectiles. Almost every fight they are doing the same thing standing far away and bombarding the enemies in front of them so the process of attacking should be complicated to keep it engaging.

Supports like muskets and bards buff and heal the party. They don’t do a lot of damage and they have okay survivability due to being able to heal themselves. I will admit supports are very strong and important but they are also totally reliant on their party. They fulfil a totally unique role and exist mostly in the background. Supports exist somewhere inbetween tanks and dps for flexibility. They have moderately complicated tool kits because they have to adapt their play to match different boss fights but not as much as tanks do.

In terms of your specific criticisms:
Warrior is complex late game because it lacks a diverse tool kit rather than despite it. Because you don’t have a lot of mobility or damage mitigation you actually have to fully engage with all of the bosses mechanics and you have to plan out the fight in a very precise way. For example you might have to strategically place players to sword rush to them, you have to dodge slams, and you have to constantly be calculating hits to perfectly avoid breaking your shield before every tank buster.

Paladin on the other hand is by far the most overpowered overloaded class in the game. It has infinite mobility, can keep like a 95% stunlock and kiting uptime on bosses, does way too much damage for a tank, can just ignore mechanics with its shield, passively takes 1/2 damage to allow it to just ignore slams, can heal to full instantly, and has a very low skill floor. The class is super easy to level because it does a lot of damage and doesn’t die when enemies hit it. Late game it can not only carry but entirely solo a significant portion of late game content. I personally have soloed every dungeon in highstepe as a level 1 shard and could probably go as high as a level 4 or 5. The thing with paladin is that it gets hammer pips when it takes damage so if you aren’t getting them fast enough you just need to take off your armor or fight more or harder enemies. Playing paladin late game is actually a constant struggle to get rid your pips because enemies hit you so hard and its very easy to max out and instantly die.

I will admit i do agree that shaman can feel a bit underwhelming. It’s simplistic play style does provide a lot of accessibility though so its really good for more casual players and I feel like it does the right amount of dps for its skill requirement.


What is the issue here? From what I can assume the dps is lack luster from the original comment.

Like others have said the melee classes are both tanks and will do little damage compared to other classes.

Or if you mean its boring because it only has combos or paladin charges then i think thats just a matter of opinion.

I agree, I don’t enjoy paladin and warrior as much as other classes but that doesn’t mean they are bad and dont have there own skill and mechanics.

Adding into what everyone has said, the two “melee” classes are tank classes. They’re not intended to do much damage, and the challenge comes from tanking correctly and staying alive.

Just like when people brought up Melee DPS class in the past, one major issue is blocking shots. An inexperienced tank already body blocks a lot of shots. Other players who play at slightly closer range also have the issue of body blocking (I’m very guilty of this, SORRY!). I can’t imagine how difficult it would be to do proper damage if we had more close-range DPS blocking the enemy.

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You clearly don’t play ranger. As a person who mains ranger I know for a fact that we only have skill and special arrows.

Are you talking about class balancing in general? There’s a bit of history with each class being balanced over time. There’s still some work to do for sure but it’s a lot better then it used to be

Completely disagree with everything you are saying. My main classes are warrior, musky and shaman. There are some balancing things I would like to see with warrior but I don’t really think you are talking about balancing but just excitement level of the classes. Personally with the exception of shaman, musky and tank are very exciting classes to play with difficult shard affixes. I can see your point of view if the only metric is damage, but there is far more to this game than just damage.

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