Windows MR Joystick controls steam mod!

Please Note: I did not make this mod and can’t prove it is safe. It works wonderfully for me, but use at your own risk!

tl;dr: I found a steam vr mod on reddit that remaps Windows MR touchpad controls to the joysticks! Links below.

So we recently got my wife a Lenovo Windows MR headset so she could play orbus as well. As anyone with WMR knows, the thumbsticks do nothing and the trackpads are pretty meh for locomotion and I couldn’t get the new steamvr input thing to work at all.
Browsing reddit, I found a post by u/Fish_Biter where he made a steamvr mod to remap touchpad controls to the thumbsticks. I had to turn off steam from running on startup and reboot the computer, then I was able to get it to install without any issue. I left all the settings at default and it works perfectly for us! She now gets to use the majesty of thumbsticks to move around.

A couple things to note is that the touchpad is still active and will do locomotion, so you just have to be careful about brushing the touchpad accidentally, and when we first turn on steamvr it complains about having crashed, but once you close the message it’s all working.

Here’s u/Fish_Biter’s post with the mod (make sure you read the ReadMe file for directions on how to get it to work!):

And here’s another post with some more info and stuff to get it working:

Also, I’m not sure if this is from the mod or if Orbus did an update, but haptic feedback is also working now for her controllers!

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