Windows MR Joystick Support

Hello there! My son and I scooped Orbus for the free weekend. He lives quite a bit aways from me and we like to meet up in VR to “hang out” and such.

We both have Windows MR (Lenovo Explorer headsets specifically) and the included motion controllers. The problem though, is that the touchpads on the MR controllers are pretty lackluster in usage and ergonomics.

Is there any plan to support MR joystick controls in the near future? I believe this would be very beneficial to you folks as cheaper VR means more people able to finally join in. Also, there is a settings file for MR that allows one to enable joystick support in all games via MR but rather than moving the player itself, it actually works by moving the playspace instead.

I did try that out for Orbus, but I would after a distance, recieve a “playspace corrupted” error and the game would kick me back out to the login screen. I’m NOT complaining about this because I assume it’s to keep folks from exploiting the game or ending up places they shouldn’t be, but just wanted to point it out!

Thanks for the hard work on your game and I don’t expect something like a next day announcement for MR support of joysticks.

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We are definitely planning to add this option when we add official support for Windows MR headsets, which itself is on our list to hopefully accomplish soon.

Thank you so much for the reply and we’re so happy to hear it! (I want to speak for all MR users who are frustrated by the lack of joystick support out there) - I wish you all well in your endeavors!

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