Wishing Goodbye to Mathieu!

We are sad to announce that Mathieu, our community manager of over 4 years, will be leaving at the end of this month to move on to another adventure. We know our community has been a better place under his guidance, and appreciate the work he put in over the years to help shape our fledgling community into what it is today. So we wanted to wish him good luck in the future, and invite the rest of the community to leave him a post here and do the same.


It’s true, this is my last week in the community - I’d like to thank everyone for their support over the years, and for all the great moments we’ve had together in and out of the game! I’ll have super fond memories of hanging out in Orbus having long conversations with ya’ll and of the funny moments every week.

To everyone that did their best to make Orbus a positive and welcoming space to everyone, you have my deepest gratitude and I’m proud of the community we’ve fostered together.

I also want to thank in particular folks that have made fan art or community creations, memes and group events, your efforts always made me smile and you’re extremely talented.
This community was part of my life for years and I’ll look back on my time here with joy!


I don’t know how you’ve kept your sanity throughout the past four years. Through the constant memes, poking fun, and begging you to change the tiniest details that make absolutely no difference to the game whatsoever, you’ve kept a positive face throughout it all and brought suggestions from the community to the programmers. You’ve been more professional than I could have ever imagined and we’re gonna miss seeing the Orbus Icon with Mathieu_D besides it!

Thank you Ru- er, Mathieu <3


Please escape with copies of all of the lore notebooks and related lore notes on scratch paper. Will pay in dram, effervescent shards, or coconuts. Extra coconuts for illustrations on bar napkins.

Seriously though, in 35 years of gaming I have never had as much personal interaction and community involvement with a dev team. You are part of what has made this game very special for most of the players.


Could not agree more! Orbus has a special place in my heart, and the amount of connection and interaction the dev team, and Mathieu especially, puts forth is really what makes it such a special game. Also can we just appreciate the unlimited amount of patience this guy has? He has probably dealt with the same bugs/complaints at least a couple of thousand times by now. Thank you for helping to make this game the incredible thing it is.


So long, and thanks for all the fish!


goodbye Matthew it was great playing a game under your guidance we will always remember you and thank you for making this game a place where everyone can enjoy themselves. this game has brought me so much joy thank you so much for guiding this game to where it is now. and thank you to the rest of the dev team for bringing this game to even greater Heights even though very good member of your team is leaving but he will always be with us in our hearts and whenever we play this game


Noooo I’m going to really miss you!!! Also can we have a farewell party for daynab in orbus?


Thanks for all the hard work, patience, and dedication to the community over the years. You’ll be missed. I wish you luck on all future endeavors!


Man, imma miss you

on a second note, there’s no more repercussions to handing out cat ears for free while you still can. just saying


Thanks for all the years work! You’ll be missed by tons of people in the community. <3

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Why? Something I said?

Just kidding…

Seriously though, who’s taking over the role? Or are we just bastards now?

Good luck on whatever is next!!

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See ya! I’ll miss asking you to get my character out of a wall that I glitched into… But yeah, all of Orbus’s devs are awesome. I can always count on being able to break dungeon queue, get stuck in a wall, shoot you a message and be outside of the wall before my next raid :upside_down_face:


Thank you for your fast response time with all the bugs and stuff. I have appreciated all your help with myself and the community. Whatever project you are working on next, I am sure you are going to do really well in it!
Orbus will miss you


Thank you everyone for the kind messages! I very much appreciate them all and will carry them with me into the next adventure.

Signing out for the last time.


I still owe you like 20 beers for all the crazy bug reports I sent when I started. :see_no_evil:

I hope your life gives you all the best, and that your next post appreciates you as much as all of us do.



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