WMR analog stick support in Reborn?

Hi does orbusvr Reborn support proper WMR controls? Thanks.

Please! There are several of us out here.

you should try on the open beta weekend

I have a headset too and had problems in the old orbus vr. I hope they made it possible to use the sticks or general support for wmr

WMR works well in orbus, the only flaw that can stop it is archery, because the angle of attack of the controller in his hand is too bent, holding the bow in his hand, after shooting the spring will return to the correct position of the controller (Sorry for my bad english)

Analog sticks dont work so therefore there is no wmr support.

they work. In the Steam settings there is an item to configure the controllers. and there I turned on the wands and left the teleport on the touch panel, disabling the sensor. leaving just clicking on it. for each game you can customize your profile

You can also use the settings from the community in the game that you choose

Cool thanks. So I can setup the thumb stick to move?

The only flaw in the orbus for WMR controllers is that in order to keep the bow straight, you must remove your hand from yourself. so that the ring of light was not at an angle. In the main aspects of the game, the controllers work correctly. and with a bow he springs back after a shot. which greatly affects the accuracy of the shot. but I like the archer class and I am willing to endure and adapt

straight bow image

natural position of the hand image

I would be very happy if Bow was optimized for wmr controllers so that the settings for this nuance were in the game itself. and you can choose which controllers you play on, so that your controller settings are used in the game

You can do it yourself or take the existing settings from the community. I posted 2 settings working stick and enabled stick + disabled sensor with the ability to click on it

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