Word of warning lvl 20 worms

Be careful if you think your going to take a worm by yourself if your not a high level healer. I’m a musketeer taking on one worm and sometimes 2 of the one is half dead. So others that are not strong healers or attackers be aware trying to kill a worm by themselves and running away just to die.

I don’t understand this sentence. Not trying to be a jerk or anything. I literally don’t get it (e.g., sometimes 2 of the one is half dead?) and feel like I am just slow this morning. Is the sentence wrong or me? If it makes sense to others can someone tell me what it means as I am genuinely interested in this topic.

Sometimes he is taking on 2 worms if one is half dead.

Ya while im killing one and bring it down to half its life, my attack turrent would shoot another one and agro it so. I’m fighting one that i killed half way and another at full power. I didnt try 2 at ful strength yet.

I was tired writing this lol Im attacking one worm and getting the health bar low. Then my attack turrent agros another accidently. I haven’t tried to kill 2 full strength worms at once. Maybe I can when i hit 20. I’m at level 19

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