A Bardcore Sewer Slime Boss Solo!

A 19 minute simple boss fight for this level 25 once a pattern was recognized. Although I drank a Intellect Potion, I feel like I can do it without, just a longer boss fight. I’ve already solo’s the Lich King Boss (you can find that here) and after fighting this one with a group, I knew I could solo it as well and recorded the whole fight this time! Although there are a few things I would like to point out during the fight:

  • Another boss that my damage crescendos do not work on. The list is now: Treesus (Tree boss infront of Highsteppe), the first dungeon’s first boss (not the Lich King), both of the bosses in the second dungeon (Mutated Rat and Sewer Slime), and lastly, Riley :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: . I would be fine with this on both bosses in the second dungeon, because you can just save your damage crescendo for the lever rat of the first boss or the ads of the second. However, if you just hold onto your crescendos there will be no notes to hit, which will make your bar not fill and make you deal less tick damage and heal for less.
  • Multiple times throughout the fight my gentle healing crescendo will not work, which at a few points, almost got me killed.

I had a couple other things to point out, however I forget what they were. Either way, everyone continue having a good time in reborn!


Nice work! Fun watch.

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Wow, nice work! And the video will let us check out some stuff too, thanks.

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