Camping teleport kills

defs just needs mechanics changes. Its within the bounds of game mechanics so although extremely annoying… We will have to wait for a change to the mechanics. I would not blame any given individual for using it as part of their strategy until then to be honest.

im not trying to call people out on the forums, it is just a very serious issue that needs to be fixed
plus it is uncounterable because by the time my game loads in im already 1 hit until death
not only is this unfair, but often times it can prevent people from accessing fun PvP content, and will likely scare new players away


lol, sounds like they are living up to their name

All world pvp is unfair, it only gives them a slight disadvantage, and can be easily countered in many ways

I’m leaving this thread up in this case because it was clearly created to discuss the issue/mechanic of teleporting people getting killed, but I removed the reference to the Fellowship and I recommend we steer away from that. Clearly anybody is able to do it at this time, it doesn’t have to be aimed at somebody.

The only thing we’ve publicly said about it is that we were planning on looking at changing that “feature”/behavior, whatever you want to call it.


This really needs to get fixed. I’m not naming any names (you know who I’m talking about) but certain people actually split into groups and camp teleport stones so they can instantly kill people after they teleport. This is a problem because the person getting attacked can only see the blackness of the teleport and have no way to fight back other than to blindly move around and hope that they are able to live and have enough health to survive the fight (which still doesn’t happen because those who shall not be named send 2 people to each teleport). At least place the player in a safe zone until they move when they teleport. EX: You teleport and arrive at your location, but you are in a safe zone until you begin to move.

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You cant camp stones in the wilds…just saying


Yeah I miss the wilds too, but I’m not going to speak about it more here because I don’t want to derail the thread.


Ah that makes 8 now #WheresMyWilds


I thought spawn killing was griefing. Seriously not trying to be sarcastic.


I don’t know how it is for you, but I litterly can’t teleport or slide when portal loading in.
Some stones already are in safe zones, most are not.

If you spam the teleport button while your screen is black you can sometimes move around

The black screen is litterly just a square for me on the pimax, I can see around it quite fine. So I get the pleasure of watching my killer for those 5 sec it takes them to kill me. If I could move, I would :-p

I’ve gotten it to work 1 time. I’ll try it out more tomorrow.

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Honestly I find it hard to believe that people are defending this tactic on the basis of “it’s world PvP” as it is a well known issue in other games similar and is dealt with a couple of different ways. Spawn camping and say Pking a newb starter town on a PvP server were the issues that I can recall and I remember that while you couldn’t report a player for doing it, there were alternatives.

First, let me start by saying that I feel there is Good PvP and Bad PvP - I can understand somewhat when you say that it’s world PvP and it will happen, you are correct.
But it’s bad PvP behavior and a bit cheap. It takes all the fun away.
No honor, no shame

A possible solution:
You will be able to toggle on/off PvP in town only, so you can teleport without being camped and flag up whenever you are ready to start. So the way it works now is that it’s PvE until you attack someone and then you are flagged as a bandit, correct? Make it so for example if you are already flagged as a bandit you can only attack other bandits during the time of the Goblin.
Honorable/Dishonorable/Reputation skill points system. So if you are let’s say teleport camping and you kill a player you’ll actually lose points. Maybe they could start with for example titles you can obtain in PvP combat and as you HK up you earn higher ranks of the PvP title next to your name.
OR and (imho the best way)

Join a fellowship! If you are getting ganked by another player call for help and 20 players come to save you! :slight_smile: That’s how I usually did it playing on PvP servers. It does pay to be in a good fellowship.

I would pay money to see something like this: (Paraphrased from forums)
Back in the early days of WoW there was two Hordies that were notorious for ganking - they were in full gear and used to do nothing but spawn-camp people.

When the expansion was released I can’t recall the exact one but they returned and there was literally a server-wide gank party formed just to destroy them. As soon as one of them was spotted, someone would announce it in trade and people would form a raid to go get them. They couldn’t level, couldn’t move, couldn’t do anything and because they were such idiots, no-one on the horde side wanted to help them either.
About a week of that and they disappeared and never returned and people went on their merry way.

Ultimately I have to agree that there’s really nothing to be done about it, but it is bad form. You know what they say “If you want to run with the big dogs, you can’t pee like a puppy” you know what you’re getting into, and its ultimately your choice. Personally I wouldn’t use the teleport at all, rather try to sneak in the area another way. If you don’t make it then better luck next time.

Coolest solution I’ve thought of so far, is that when the Trickster Goblin is spotted (the message appears), load the zone it is in for all players with pvp on. It could also be loaded in a couple seconds before for players with pvp on (if it were to cause some lag), but this would solve the problem, because if you teleport to a pillar in a loaded zone, there is no loading screen. Not sure if that’s possible but just an idea.

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Maybe disable teleports in for event zone? everyone has to walk. They can’t cover every entrance to every zone/ be in every zone XD

PvP is only toggleable in Highsteppe already.

I don’t think they care about the points. They get the items you drop.

‘save’ you from a large guild with way more pvp experience after you have lost all your items. Yeah, you might be able to get your stuff back. Maybe.

yeah so if you don’t toggle off then that’s your bad. You could toggle on whenever you wanted but you could only toggle off when in town. see my mean.

I don’t think they care about the points. They get the items you drop
Offer incentive for PvP like title ranks next to your name

‘save’ you from a large guild with way more pvp experience after you have lost all your items . Yeah, you might be able to get your stuff back. Maybe.

Thats what the giant chest in your house is for. Prepare before you enter and empty all your bag.

Just suggestions but I guess there is no real answer then until the community starts to police it’s own ranks or for people start to care about morality and fair play again.

I’d at least give you a chance to zone in. I’ve always been decent in that regard. I’ve killed lower levels but never corpse camped anyone. But then again I was raised with ethics about fair play and what is considered honorable/dishonorable.

Uh, no. You can toggle it on and off in Highsteppe. You cannot toggle it on outside of Highsteppe. You can toggle it off shortly following death outside of Highsteppe.

This is already present as a weekly title. See here

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