Camping teleport kills

I teleported to rainforest to go get goblin and was immediately killed at pillar. he camped the pillar for about 2 minutes before i started taking the video and then left when I assume somebody got the token

make pillars a safe zone please

There are ways to easily counter that strat ya know

#bannable offense, anyone?

What rule is broken

No rule… not yet anyway. But it’s certainly unfair, unsportsmanlike, and the devs have already said that they want to fix it.

So clearly they have a problem with it, too. In the interim, are we to just let this continue?

They said it was interesting, which usually doesn’t mean they straight out don’t like it. And world PvP is unfair, and unsportsmanlike

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"I agree that it’s not fair that you can be killed before you can even move, so we can look at adding safe zones around those. " - Riley

Edit: this is an exploit. A known, reported, obviously unintended issue that allows one person serious advantage over another through exploiting the mechanic. That’s against the CoC in general.

Edit 2: and should be treated as such until it is patched

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It is also unfair that someone has a higher tier weapon or armour. Or that someone is more experienced. Or that it is 2 vs 1. Or that someone is smarter then someone else. Or has a better internet connection. Or has a easier to play class. Or has luck backstabbing someone.

When you know it can happen and it is getting changed find a way to counter it. Not just keep complaining indefinately and call it unfair and try to shame the ppl.

Also if the devs really find it so bad that it is against the rules they would have told by now.

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Apples and oranges here.

One is an exploit taking advantage of a mechanic. The other is either a function outside of the game (intelligence of players) or an intended consequence of the game’s system (2v1 PvP, experience, and higher tiered items)


Looks like you had some bad timing. I would recommend getting to the portal stone first or walk to where the trickster is. Both are great options. You could always teleport with a group as well.

100% agree

They need to add a safe zone for when you spawn in, that only exsist when teleporting to a place. Would solve the problem of getting kill when teleportation desyncs you as well.

Riley has agreed it is an exploit and should be treated as such and therefore it is reportable. period


The Dev’s have clearly said many times not to call people out on the forums and this is exactly that, you should take it to PM


to defend the action to some extent… I accidentally have killed people zoning in as I saw someone at the teleport zone when I zoned it… kinda like a chain ‘oh shit’ reaction when entering the zone.

Its a mechanic that needs to be changed, not an exploit really. Riley will likely do something about that on Tuesday (I hope).

The forums have better PvP than the game lol


:rofl: sadly

This is, as far as I know, a legit strat.

You know you can just try to get to the teleport pillar before us, or just walk to the zone without teleporting since you have 5 mins anyway before the goblin spawns.
But why bothering? Let’s just shit on people for “exploiting” (decided by themselves since the devs NEVER said it was an exploit, just an interesting strategy which can feel unfair and will be decided if they want to make changes by tuesday) just because they are faster than you!

Lemme just stick this here

How To Handle Exploits

Do not post your findings of possible bugs/exploits on the discord. Send a PM to the Dev Team on the forums.

Do not ask opinions on if it is reportable or not. Send a PM to the Dev Team on the forums.

Do not shame anyone for finding exploits. Send a PM to the Dev Team on the forums.

Do not accuse anyone of using exploits. Send a PM to the Dev Team on the forums.

If you are made aware of a possible exploit and are not sure it has been reported yet, send a PM to the Dev Team on the forums.

The Dev Team has defined an exploit as discovering something that is clearly unintended and then taking advantage of it to gain something of value in the game.(1) At the end of the day it’s up to the Dev Team to determine what is or isn’t against the rules and the degree of punishment. It is ok for people to explore the bounds of the game and try to figure out clever ways around something, but it must be reported to the Dev Team as soon as you find it.

It is preferable that everyone err on the side of caution when dealing with exploits and report them immediately so they can be tracked and prioritized. It’s in everybody’s best interest that these issues be reported so that the game’s health is solid and everyone is on a level playing field.
(1) Exploiting the Game


I’m just annoyed that I’m stuck in place and have to watch them kill me. I’m even more annoyed when I get out of synk, and someone kills me while I restart the client. To be fair this is not a new problem :wink:
Not really related to the goblin, just more people taking note of it.