Inventory handling/Information

Additional to the Posting from Bjorn_M at Nov '17

Sorry for my germenglish :wink:

Some more ideas for the inventory:

  1. Numbers as an overlaygrafic over the pictures with the values from the item.For example [25] in the low right corner für an level 25 hat. its very tricky to compare two items and not switch them.
  2. color the number for rarity, tradeability, type etc.
  3. when an item is for a special class, use a small icon for the class oder color the frame
  4. new buttons for the classes at the left side. When you click the button you will equipp the last used amor, weapon, orbs/bow&arrow,…

btw: When i am equipped with amor from the warrior and will fight with the musket. will there be the same protection? can i use the shirt [110] from musketeer as an warrior because my warrior shirt is only [70]?

  1. its not obviously in the left area which field is the shirt/shoulder etc…
  2. you only use the trigger button in the menu. perhaps there are some other options to select more items i a row, recsale with a zoom, use both controllertrigger at the same time, etc.
  3. show the durability from the item in the picture. for hat, etc an for example for the fisher hook.
  4. Why is the book so high? i got neckproblems. Nobody reads in an 90° angle :wink:

Just my two cent :wink:

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I agree. At the moment its laborious…

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