Inviting Devs to the end game experience!

I understand that every fellowship in the game is going to want to play with the devs, but the purpose behind the event is to provide them with adequate information that they can use for content in the future. This can best be done by showing the devs a first-person perspective of the hardest content in the game. This is what I had in mind when I said that t10 shards would be part of the event. Since this content is currently above the skill level of the average players, naturally they would not be included in endgame endeavors. The only reason I even made the plan for this post was to give the devs information.

Wanted to jump in and give my opinion. We have always avoided doing anything that is guild specific, however, I would be more then happy to jump on and play with players (no matter in a guild or not). If you wanted to instead change this event to a random queue normal mode raid, so that community members both expert, beginner, and anywhere in between can play together along side some devs I think that would be great. While I can’t speak for the rest of the dev team, I would come to an event like that. I would leave it up to the community on how to organize such a thing, but possibly having a tank, healer, and dps that know the fight group up then join the queue, then could be placed with others randomly via the Raid queue. This would not only be a great community building event allowing players to play with others they might not normally, but also new players that have never got a taste of what a raid is like get to see that content. Maybe just pick 1 boss out of the first 3 to do, then leave and re-queue so you could get lots of players through and also us, the Devs, would be able to join in on more groups. While I understand this doesn’t fit the exact purpose of OP original post, I just wanted to share my opinion.


Whatever we can do to help we are prepared to do.

Sift, I know you don’t see what we do as worth your time. I have in fact even been called a “scrub” by particular members of your guild which shows clearly how they see us. That said, how often do you play with players less skilled than you? I doubt it has been very often if at all. The point I’m making here is that you cannot honestly expect that only showing the devs the elitist guilds’ point of view is representative of the community as a whole. While those guild may be the most verbal, they most certainly do not make up the bulk of the player base. And if you’ve never experienced our struggles you cannot represent us.

Just as an FYI for everyone, The MK’s raid events are a place ALL end game players are welcome, skilled or not. Particularly our Friday night run, which is mostly an excuse to have fun and laugh at August or Sparky accidentally agroing the boss while we all just let them die. We have even had enough show up sometimes to form various raid and shard groups all running at the same time.

So to ALL players out there (that includes you Sift), if you want to participate in a raid or shard with a non guild or skill discriminatory group of people, feel free to sign up for our raid to have fun and maybe learn a few mechanics between beers. for the signup. to get to our discord.


great idea :):grinning::smiley::smile:

Whats your username?

Sinya Lockehart is my ingame.

I am almost 100% certain that if you were called a name by anyone in Nova it was strictly under a comedic context and was not meant to be hurtful in any way.

Perhaps so, but my point still stands that you cannot represent a point of view you’ve never seen.


I was a low/mid skill player once too ya know

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I second that… on the forum it is almost ALL about the needs and wishes of a handful of ever-same players who are there since ages or least since the OG (me included). It won’t help to see the elite nuke bosses in half a minute which take 10x as long with inexperienced players.
I see a mass-exodus lately of new people who just hit 30, do a couple dungeons and leave the game. The reason is almost always same, frustration because they barely can catch up on OG players. The forums are not reflecting that. They are full of threads of veterans stating all in the game is oh-so-easy. Which is not the experience of the few newcomer voices which were even uttered here regarding overworld fights and dungeons alike.

So I think the idea is really very good, but a mix of players to experience different skill levels is a must.

Apart from that there was an option planned where devs can at least view fights invisibly to evaluate visually what’s goin on instead of just having logs; not sure if that was implemented by now, but it surely would help a great deal.


Sure at some point. Everyone was at their beginning, but when was that? OG I would guess. All of these discussions are in relation to Reborn where your very skilled guild was already established and practiced.


Monday Knights did raids and t10s in OG too…

It amuses me that for the purposes of demonstrating end-game, we’re considered sub-par, but when we point out that the guilds who are on the “okay list” have been around a long time and are very well established end-game guilds, suddenly we’re also amongst the elite

Edit: MK has never successfully completed the full Expert Mode raid in OG. The occasional t10 shard, yes. Normal raid? Yes. Hardmode? Once, it would seem. I may not have been there for that or I just can’t recall

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It was just a response to her saying that we were already ahead when reborn started, even though we were doing the same content.

The idea behind this is for the devs to experience something they otherwise wouldn’t be able to: clearing hard content with the most experienced players. The devs can already group up among themselves for testing shards (though probably don’t have 10 people for internal raids) and emulate a mediumcore team. That’s why we’re focusing on what they can’t otherwise try for themselves.

I think that any guild can reach and defeat the most difficult content in the game with significant time and practice. Focusing on hard content like t10s with players who have mastered it isn’t being exclusive to the people who’ve beaten that content now; it’s in attempt to improve the experience in the future of anyone who makes it that far.

Using a non-guild lottery would be a fine way to achieve the same goals too. However, in order to demonstrate the t10 difficulty experience and not get stuck on a dungeon for the whole event, I think at least some of the groups need to include a bare minimum of a single experienced (regularly clears t10s) tank and dps. Those seeded players could be selected by a separate lottery based on their t10s completed.

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Yes but those were rare for us. We never beat expert raid and only beat hard mode weeks before server close. We have a very mixed guild of both casual and more dedicated players, but most of us have not put weeks worth of hours into practicing our classes. We dont have the time. That is the same that can be said of the majority of the playerbase.

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Only? Hard mode was still t12 content.

Not everything can be made with primarily low skill players in mind. This would make the game feel really boring once you actually get good at it.

According to Sift, the idea behind this is for the devs to see how players interact with the content, which is, I agree, something they don’t get to do regularly.

If all the devs see is a group of min-maxers plowing through content by ignoring mechanics (boss 2 raid, e.g., or boss 1 sewers, or boss 2 sewers, or anything else really), it’s not going to be a good snapshot of how the userbase as a whole experiences the game

Like I said originally, the devs playing with end game players would benefit everyone in the game. It would provide the devs with information from a first-person point of view that they can then use while making and balancing content in the future.