Lvl 30+ Over leveling perks

As we talked about in the blog post here ( we will be rolling out the LVL 30 Over-leveling perk tree on Aug 6th. We are excited to add some additional QOL improvements that are earned through the game, and hope this will be a good reward for the end game players after they reach lvl 30. I wanted to share with the community some more about the system before it gets released next Tues.

The tree is broken down into 7 categories meant to be some QOL improvements without affecting combat game play. Within each category there will be 5 levels.

  1. Luck
  • Can increase your luck stat by a maximum of 500 points
  1. Mount Speed
  • Can increase your mounted speed by a total of 10% max
  1. Weight capacity
  • Can increase your carried weight by a total of 5 lbs max
  1. Potion Making
  • Can increase your chance to make double potions up to 25% max
  1. Lure crafting
  • Can increase your chance to make double lures up to 25% max
  1. Potion Aging
  • Can increase the over aging window up to 48 hrs max
  1. Vendor Discount
  • Can receive a maximum of up to 10% max discount in price on all NPC purchased items (Odds N Ends, Dragon Shop, etc.) (Does not include auction house)

You will receive 1 point for each level gained after 30, with the first perk in each category requiring 5 points, then 10, and so on. You can choose to spread your points out between all the categories or you can place them all in one to get the maximum benefit. If you have already over leveled past 30 prior to the patch roll out you will be able to assign those points already earned.


So how does the mount speed increase work? Is it overall a 10% movement speed buff, a 10% increase to the percent that the mount already increases like how luck works

so if the mount by default increases your movement speed 50%, with max level upgrades with mount out will u be moving 60% faster with the mount, or 55% faster(50 * 1.1), or is it calculated [baseMovementSpeed * regMountIncrease] * 10% perkBoost

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The mount speed increase is additive, so you will get your normal mount speed increase plus 10% (at max tier).


Will the double potions affect the x10s giving us 20 potions if we are lucky?


Will that stack with the Shaman speed bonus (so alltogether you got 20% then)?

  • Will this effect your chance of the legendary overworld transmogs?
  • Will this effect fishing’s chance of double fish?
  • Will this also double the x5 and x10 recipes?
  • If you double a potion, will both count towards the leaderboard and missions?

Is the weight increase not way too low in comparison to the boost of the other stats like Luck and Mount speed?


Also you are sure it is 500 luck points? Not 50? I def want to have those 500 points though :sweat_smile: Don’t want to have everyone see false information and then get disappointed. Which I already feel now myself after realizing that…


Agreed, as it stands I would probably get luck max first even if its only 50. Then mount speed. Pick up a level of both potion and lure crafting and not care about the rest until the other ones I actually kind of care about are maxed

Also will we be seeing the “class changes” before a couple days before the change so we can give feedback like we did musketeer?

Is the cost 5, 10, 15, 20 ,25 or 5, 10, 20, 40, 80 or something else?



They will stack with each other.

It will affect anything that was already affected by the luck stat. It’s not changing anything about how luck works, just increasing the amount of it that you have.

500 is correct.

It’s 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 meaning you will need to level beyond max 75 times in order to fully unlock a category and get the maximum benefit.


Thanks for the replies! Looking forward to checking this update out :grin:

Are the overworld legendary transmogs effected by luck?


OMG. Really. OMG. Hurray :smiley:

(and at the same time, if this is true it will make the idiotic luck rings finally obsolete and help groups… trash those pleasse… well, once you got your perk full.)

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Important question, will Shaman Shield stack with musketeer Shield orb

Does the weight capacity effect the light weight level at all. It is currently 9 will it go up with that perk?


A number of these seem very disappointing. Getting the 75 over levels required to max a perk category takes at least 100 hours of game play if you are very fast. More like 150+ hours for most players. 25% chance to make an extra lure? We are all swimming in lure mats already. Even if we were not the amount of materials you could farm in 100 hours of game play would last even the most avid fishermen a year. A lot of these categories seem the same, a waste of time. Luck and Mount speed are worth while because there is no other way to get that.


I’m actually glad I can get my luck tree full and don’t need to dump 100s hours into grinding for real interesting bonuses. Yet apart from speed which is next I also find the double-potions tree interesting, at least a nice-to-have. Maxing both will keep me busy for weeks. If weight was a little more I’d also go for it.

There’s 1 single person who got above 200 levels rn (you :stuck_out_tongue: ), 2 persons above 100 and only 13 above 50. All the rest will work considerable time to get only one tree maxed and welcome the choices.

Noone will likely choose vendor discount with dram so easy to get, potion aging might be something for some people (though I seriously think to remember a thread where the aging times have been upped already…), as for lures someone above mentioned he’s choosing this; though I got no clue why you’d choose that - but again if all were equally attractive I’d be stressed out with grinding, it’s just fine for me if they are not.

I just threw 5 perk points into this to test, without the perk, the weight goes black at 9 weight, it stayed blue for 9 and 9.1 weight and went black on 9.2 with the 1st level perk so this is a nice perk, though I still don’t think 5 weight/1 light weight is enough to pick over Luck/mount speed/potion making perks (once mount speed gets fixed)

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Tested. It does not currently.