Notes on pvp and the recent duo-queue

yea especially when one of the things u sometimes hear going into a game is the rest of the people groaning about u being on their team, and then in the middle of swapping classes start yelling about how u shouldnt be that class, making it so u have to play that class

Think you are misunderstanding me a lot. We donā€™t avoid killing our own members. When a team has LC members vs a full team that member can hear what the full team is planning and act accordingly to try to win. We actually enjoy fighting each other the most. They are usually the hardest opponents that provide the most honor. We donā€™t make matches easy just because we know the person.

Again you are misunderstanding me. Iā€™m saying a premade vs a pug group is boring. Skill and tactics go out the window a lot of the time. Two full premade groups are the most fun possible in pvp. That should be encouraged.

I would also like a 5 man queue I doubt thats possible as wait times would increase.

Not sure if you mean to or not but your post implies more than one member and it happening multiple times. As far as I know It happened once. The Dev handled it and you guys got to camp him in a 7 on 1. I donā€™t want to fight with you but those are the facts as I understand them.

diffrent person but two lc member done twice in battlegrounds left party attack me and other party

I have had it happen to me as well.

Great points! I see the appeal for sure. Class imbalance has nothing to do with it though and the devs have put a lot of work into balancing them. I really like where they are at the moment -mages dont flame me lol-. I donā€™t mind being forced into teams with less skilled players. I solo queue a lot. I donā€™t believe discouraging team play is the way to go. Maybe unique skins idunno something that makes people want to group up for it. Iā€™ve been on both sides of those teams being camped. When it has happened to me the teams had no communication even after being stuck at their spawn for several minutes. People would sit there silently having given up, bad strat, or they run off by themselves thinking they can juggernaut a team of 4. lol bad strat. It seems that solo queuing doesnā€™t hit now or as often? Not sure how the queue works at the moment. It seems if you solo queue you have less chance of getting into a group. With premades you could have unusual team configs like groups of three allowing the solo player a spot. That was pretty common. Now if everyone is duo-queued can the solo player even get in? Will it hold a spot open until another solo player ques? Not sure how it works but I have been waiting for that queue to pop for hours at a time.

Iā€™m really curious. We only had a few members on last night and they were all in chat. Message me their names and we can bring them in to a channel to talk about it privately.

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im not giving names when i message the dev already

Then whatā€™s the point in bringing it up here?

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I would really like to know what you guys think about the duo-queue, If itā€™s better to encourage team play raising the skill cap for pvp or lowering it, and if an outside arena type thing is appealing to you to learn pvp leaving battlegrounds to be a legit competition. Other mmos have also had premades that completely wrecked, it was just part of the game like in WoW. I guess having a bigger player base helped space them out but then again they also made lots of incentives to bring players into pvp like arena armor sets.

yeah right now the only incentive to do any pvp, overworld or battle grounds, is honor. And honor doest even give rewards, just titles that for the most part take days of dedication to get higher ranks in, meaning ur regular player wont be able to achieve them. for that regular player, what incentive is there to PvP? >25% more farmables that without the best can be gotten in stacks in under a hour? a bit more xp for people already max lvl?

The fact that that is even possible is stupid. BG should kick anyone not in a group immediately.

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Indeed. Apparently itā€™s been fixed?

If not PvP armor sets, armor transmogs would be nice.

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it did not exit the person

Names and proof, Donā€™t be mad because we farm your guild like we do queens ear.

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I donā€™t think itā€™s because of being farmed, but rather because of being farmed due to poor sports, bugs that shouldnā€™t be there in the first place, and players who decide to use those bugs to their own benefit.

i am not going to break term and servises

Quote from Chezil from Jā€™s thread:

Sure sounds like you avoid killing your own members.

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What I mean by that is Ill focus you over LC members meaning youā€™ll miss out on Honor/quest progression then Ill go for the kill on the LC member. Brainlet