Obsidian Shortage Since MSQ Update

I would really really like to suggest adding More Obsidian Spawn Points somewhere in the game. The MSQ added a 40 Obsidian (or 35 can’t remember) MSQ gate and didn’t add any additional ways to handle this into the game- the player base also has considerably grown. 15-25 possible spawn points for obsidian on a 15 minute timer seems like an intentional or accidental time gate for anyone trying to progress the main story. This also has the added effect of stifling end game tilesets for most classes, as almost every wait and timing tile require at least 1 obsidian.

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Also, end game players need to stop spawn camping the rare items if they simply intend to sell it instead of using it :yum:

I think you’ve got a very slighted view of what’s actually happening here lol


as a level 30 player I can assure you that I dont have any obsidian either. mob boss Mishka beat me up and took all of it I had to basically beg the streets of highsteppe to finish the 30 obsidian quest and for the love of Rupert if i need to make tiles its not going to be easy.

I feel like the obsidian spawn either needs to be bumped up a bit wih the increase of demand or remove the shared aspect of it at spawn. It feels horrible going into the cave to come out with 2 linstanium and thats it…

thinking about it if anyone wants linstanium i can trade you like 10 for 1 obsidian :slight_smile: (p.s. dont tell the mob about this deal)


also it will be the same if we needed listenium like in classic orbus but worst

I need obsidian,

I can not get obsidian.

the mobsters stole it all

we need to get the crime and scum off of our streets!!!
we need to take down Mishka! he is ruining out game with his awfulness

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This is all that remains of the last person to call out the Mob Boss. The little bit of Obsidian he had, a bit of flesh, and all 20 digits. Poor Potato, at least he’s keeping the fish company.

Let this be a warning.


obligatory /sarcasm

This applies to 96% of the current player base in regards to 99% of this game’s content lol

wait… you chopped off all of potatoes fingers and toes when you killed him

you are a madman!

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Whoa whoa whoa now, what do you mean when I killed him?! I would never get my hands dirty doing my own work! Don’t you know I have people for that?

I’m more worried that potato had freakish finger toes


I’ve seen him fight in GORN holding the controllers with his feet


oh yes of course, you sent your minions to do the dirty work for you

how much would it cost to become a mishka minion?

i need money and im very good at pvp

i this post need to be serious no jokeing

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Mob Boss Mishka is no joke


Is it only one obsidian every 15 minutes? I was in there for awhile and managed to get 4 obsidian and 4 of that white one, I forget the name now

Obsidian is self-quarantining right now


I don’t think anybody knows the exact time. Best estimate is somewhere between 20-30 minutes I believe. It’s a scarce resource only used for niche things.