OG OrbusVR armor sets for Transmog

Isn’t that their job? No one said that they shouldn’t look as cool, just that there should be a way to differentiate between preborn transmogs, and reborn transmogs. It seems like you are complaining just to complain.

I’m not complaining at all just pointing they have limited time/people and porting the old armor and adding new sets is a lot of work.


Is there really a thing like “cooler” which everyone agrees on…?

One of the funniest moments in Orbus was when I once got a helmet in a dungeon, put it on and said instantly “Omg I look so stupid…” and at the SAME time (no kidding) a member got that very same helmet, put it on, didn’t really notice what I was doing, turning around happily: “hey guys, got a helmet, wow, I look so cool!!” :smiley:

I mean, foils are not appreciated by almost everyone that much is clear, but for example I read people liked the musky spiky-gear, well I transmogged it instantly, it was just a no, really no for me.
Same with the fish-bow which avanced from wtf-did-they-dooo-again to coolest-bow-in-the game.

So while I hope there’s a) hm gear changes, b) more styles coming and c) the old ones coming back for transmogs, you won’t ever please everyone.

There’s hardly anyone who managed to get all transmogs in the OG, so why not bring them back for new players, however, if that is done there should be additional incentives for players to do these supposedly new activities to get them, too.

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Bring back all the old dungeons, shards, raids, and let them earn the gear as we all did. Problem solved. Personally i could go for some old school Tradu Mines Shard runs. I miss old Orbus a lot.


imo the purpose of the old transmogs coming back is so that we feel special
thats like saying i should be able to get the defend the realm stuff even though i didnt feel like doing it

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i really am not a fan of ‘for a few weeks you can show off the transmogs you spent over a year getting before everyone else can get it’ idea. its pretty shit. Quitworthy shit.


I really don’t understand this attitude of “I worked really hard to get this so I don’t want anyone else to be able to work hard to get it.”
But I also don’t really care about cosmetic stuff in games so maybe it’s just me.


Maybe think of it as “a few weeks to show it off before they can spend over a year getting it”

Edit: presuming, of course, that the difficulty to obtain remains relatively constant (shard gear from shards, dungeon gear from dungeons, raid gear from raids, etc)

the gear that I worked pretty hard to get should not be obtainable by people who did not do the same.
honestly, I would never quit the game because of it, but its so stuipid that it makes me want to self combust

what’s even stupider is how were not even getting our hardmode gear that we worked even harder for and had I know we weren’t even going to get the hardmode transmogs I would have bought effervecent shards for the tokens and not gear that is now useless and will not make a return.
could I have the 50 or so shards I could have bought with the tokens please?


They said it will be coming, just not as soon as the normal mode ones

they said maybe
and yeah i totally forgot they werent even adding the hardmode stuff back in, spent lotsa dolla bills on that stuff

I think this is because everything in reborn is easier than the old game, we spent sooo long in the old game hunting for the last few pieces of a set we needed and I guarantee it will be easier to get in reborn than what we went through before


I still don’t understand. Maybe a
thought experiment would help.

You buy a coat for $100.
a year later that same coat is $50 and a friend buys it.

  1. Do you resent the friend that got the coat for less?
  2. Do you stop shopping at that store even though it sells other things you like?
  3. Are you happy your friend got a awesome coat and spent less money?

I’m know there are other options but these seem to be the opinions represented in this thread.

I would pick #3 every time. But maybe I’m just weird.


I think this analogy is inherently flawed.

Much more like: you pick up a DIY kit for $100 and spend several weeks to months building it, putting it together, and perfecting it. Later, your friend finds a site where someone puts most of the pieces together and then ships it off with ready-made attachments, also for $100.

Do you resent your friend for having it easier?
Or stop shopping at the DIY store because their items can later be obtained more easily?


I would feel bad for the friend since I enjoyed putting the DIY kit together myself and they didn’t get that experience. But again I’m might just be weird. That’s why I’m trying to understand.


I’m probably one of those people who joined late in the game and didn’t get the chance to finish the DIY kit before it was taken away. So half the time to finish yields half the rewards. I’d definitely like the chance to get the rest done

You are completely misreading that in your own cynical interpretation. As I said in a post above… I would gladly be happy for new players to EARN the gear PROGRESSIVELY but only if I can still differentiate the thing that took me a year to achieve. See below for my suggested solution.

Just give us access (those who spent all the time grinding the orig versions) a subtle SILVER shiny versions. everyone wins. no extra work for devs really.


Yeah thats why i said it is quit worthy. Its nearly offensive to the players who spent a whole year being the dev teams testers that the dev team wont put in a small amount of time to give those users that achievement… World of warcraft did it with legacy mounts and titles… They never started rewarding the same thing with way less effort to their user base… Instead they reward their user base a different coloured version of the item… What is the point of alienating so many early adopter users because you don’t want to copy and paste an item and change the material color? come on now. at least give us some colour differentiator on the gear (obv not gold).

It was a different game.