OrbusVR Biggest Problems - A plea for change and focus

Hi i’m actually very near sighted and the board outside the house is indeed very small but they’re not white for me I can see text and I can read the ones who are on the lower part only the upper part is not possible for me to. Actually I don’t think that it’s to complicated for the developers to do something like pointing to the things you like to get closer or pointing and zoom whould work perfect I think.

thanks riley


you forgot to mention all the VOICE problems with the game and we are FORCED to use Discord…

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I think someone did already mention that as their biggest problem in the thread yeah.

Because at organized end game everyone is expected to use voice it is not a problem that we actively have so I am glad that others have mentioned it. I am not aware that voice is broken personally because I have had it switched off 99% of the time since game release.


I think your biggest problem, is that you do not have enough of the community to back your request. These devs need to feed thier families and this isnt a subscription based game, so whatever to make the initial sale is more important, otherwise they will close down and then everyone loses. They need to create enough content to justify the price and then they can get to bugs. This is Warframe all over again.

My suggestion, is that you and everyone else who ever buys the game, get to the end game, play a couple of raids and then move on. Come back in five years and see what happens.

Why do you think they wont even dignify your request with a response?

  • “Dignify your request with a response” (99% sure they are being tactful and don’t want to engage in a touchy subject area in a public forum space.)
  • “These devs need to feed their families” (Given previous works I can only assume at least lead dev is not yet approaching starvation - if you are starving let me know & I will send pizza)
  • “Isn’t a subscription based game” ( I wish it was TBH, because $ = devs = features/bug fixes. Declining subscription = urge to produce more desirable content / attract players, etc. Subscription games -might- be impossible for a VR market right now though? Requests for options to pay the dev’s has been a thread which has appeared more than once. I bought dono items, my brother a copy, my copy, and would gladly fork over more money - especially if the future development was intended to fix core issues & bugs & develop majority-community requested features, ie, flesh out classes for example / address any totally useless class abilities)
  • “Is that you do not have enough of the community to back your request” (Which community do you refer to? Nobody has posted about broken audio, and all the other bugs? The Orbus community hasn’t showed support many of the various topics in here? To include with voting polls? An example of something which was addressed, disabling combat sprinting took maybe a year to add and had been a topic of threads several times Vote for who likes combat sprint)

This thread would not exist if the players didn’t care about the game. With additional competition (pre-orders = financial investment) coming around the horizon, it’s a clear attempt to try and repair the connection between player / future game development. I do see that a number of players get pretty salty on here, but it’s obvious that they want Orbus to succeed. Honestly, most people just want anyone to succeed. But people have become at the least somewhat invested in Orbus, the devs, their characters, this community. This thread is not a bashing, but “a plea for change and focus” (literally the title).

“My suggestion, is that you and everyone else who ever buys the game, get to the end game, play a couple of raids and then move on. Come back in five years and see what happens.”
Your suggestion is not a solution to game-breaking bugs which also affect raids… and naturally if Orbus was good in 5 years people would come back. You are also suggesting that both new players and players who would like their issues fixed in the near future to just quit after a couple of raids. New players will do whatever they want when they feel they’ve run out of content, and the people who are making comments in here are already telling you that they are are teetering on quitting - hinging on how the near future plays out, or have already mostly checked out. I just wanted write back to you what you wrote so that you’d read it.

Go walk to random players at level 30 and ask them how they think the game can be improved. Ask them what are the worst bugs they’ve encountered. The random conversations I have with other players about the game, all different people & at different time periods, are repeatedly the same conversations. IMO you are over-applying empathy, comparing this to some “familiar” event with a different game with difference circumstances, and not applying enough logic.

As someone who has interacted as a dev/gm with players (not orbus), I personally appreciate thread like these. It’s not something you want to see on your doorstep, but it’s ground-truth. Better than players providing no feedback and going to greener pastures without a word. The real question is how, with such a community, that some of these issues have persisted for such duration after being reported(sometimes numerous times)? Even if not all of the community is behind every listed idea, though I would strongly argue swaths of the population are behind, there are most certainly issues up there that can not be contended against (ie, game breaking, rage inducing, bugs). To not stab in the eye, I will acknowledge that since coming back I have definitely noticed the devs acknowledging/responding/fixing many reported bugs, sometimes very quickly. Typically the very simple bugs.

Naturally such a thread does not include all of the things people love about Orbus, the features which have been added, and so forth.

If you think that the people commenting here aren’t acquainted with the community…

The dev’s have the most though, about double any player I think :stuck_out_tongue:


I know this is back-to-back post, but this post is totally separate.

I would also advocate that a literal in-game roundtable / direct communication between dev/players could be good? With maybe a kick-hammer tool prepared for any potential random unbehaved? Maybe an in-game talking stick / AoE silence on players not holding the talking stick (lol). Just to directly exchange ideas, assuming audio does not cut out (lol). Or to take volunteer counselors (basically powerless GMs) to exchange player/dev info as in-game entities?

Just wanted to highlight what the current roadmap is, the current focus, and how that relates to this thread. As well as offer my thoughts out loud for the current roadmap.

Here’s the current roadmap, which looks quite good:

Looking a little further ahead, we are excited to start giving more information about what will be coming out before and during Content Patch 1. We are excited to put out two new dungeons before the content patch, along with the second Raid, Tinkerer class, as well as the first phase of player house customization in the content patch coming out later this fall.

See, as an IRL engineer the Tinkerer(by it’s name alone) sounds amazing. Absolutely. I love play tinker/engineering type of classes. However, the second thing that comes to my mind is that it’s going to be a class as simple as musky/pally/scoundrel. If it is, then I won’t be very excited and probably won’t play/level it seriously. Prove me wrong? Have some kind of advanced play/interaction where players can develop skill in a fun/challenging way, and not just throwing down like turrets etc? Also, rather than new classes, I think revitalizing existing classes, adding new features/class questlines to unlock new features, specializations, etc would be quite favorable. Something to add excitement for each class. I would personally still easily merge Scoundrel into Musketeer, Paladin into Shaman, and just translate items/xp, for example. Then expand warrior, add finishing touches to runemage to address bad spells/some ruined talents, and create totally new features for rangers which I’ve talked about a bit in my post history. Other examples of class excitement might be like instead of a simple legendary drop, there’s an associated legendary questline with the item? Combining rare materials? It might even need group/guild assistance to complete? Second raid is very good, player housing modification also sounds potentially really cool. Especially if you can get some kind of economy interaction with rare placeable house items, or craftables, etc. Maybe even let us place down chests to help organize storage, etc. I’m not sure the housing is what players want most right now across the board, but depending it could be a fairly well received feature. You have to ask yourself: What does this give players? How much content(hours of entertainment) will this give each player? Can I pimp my house out in 3 hours, 30 minutes? Is it a horrible grind that will take me weeks to get anywhere? What can the player do with the house? Will this interact with other parts of the game (like rare hunting, crafting, gathering, raiding, special events like the fall event(option to permanently be rewarded a pumpkin alchemy table? Monkey in a cage for catching monkies? IE re-use the asset that already exists. Other critters?)? What level of customization is available (uniqueness/variety a player can choose from to differentiate from other players / allow a player to make effort in making a unique, or somewhat unique creation)? Can a player buy a different house, that uses a different door? Maybe a “richer” house? Or maybe they just like the 2nd story view? This also could add value/meaning to dram, say if the richest house cost like 500k dram and was massive in size. Can they have their dragon run free in the house within a certain space, play with/feed them? Can the player buy/farm a rare utility item like a pillar & teleport to their house (but perhaps not out of their house?). What about a fish tank where the players can put fish they catch in it? Or trophy fish plaques? A small garden to grow some harvestable plants or just for deco? A display to show your guild emblem, if you had one? Can other players enter their home to come see other players houses? Are there social interactions available in the house, like a dueling pit, a game of giant darts, a mini-mage tournament, dragon racing? etc. Can a player make their house public so that anyone can visit if they type the players name in to some kind of door-prompt (or like knock on the door to bring up the prompt)? Can the owner set chests to public/private(friends/co-owners/same-account-characters) to give out free goodies or share items with friends? Or take live-alchemy lessons? Or a good way to trade items with your alt? This all very much depends on how much time you’d want to spend on housing lol, but above are all features for example that I think would be cool/worthwhile(maybe not giant darts lol, although I would play!). A fleshed out system, rather than the bare-bones of a system that isn’t quite complete. I see the roadmap says that it’s phase 1 of housing. The above is just examples of stuff, if housing were a priority then what kind of features would be appealing to a player that is like myself. Something like a dueling pit, dragons running around, and aquariums though would fall quite low on my list of things that are currently most important to me.

Along with this new content we are also pushing out bug fixes on a regular basis, along with some longer term bug fix goals including fixing class issues, continuing to work on improving voice chat in game, fixing fellowship logs, adding an in game way to report bugs and send output logs on PCVR and Quest, and more!

  • bug fixes goals!
  • improving voice chat (also voice chat bugs?)!
  • In-game bug reporting (probably will be different, but I am a big fan of this - especially for VR)

This upcoming patch sounds like a good patch for someone like me depending on:
1] The number/type of bugs fixed
2] How enjoyable/not-enjoyable, strong/weak, simple/complex the tinkerer class is.
3] If the housing rocks my socks somehow, and has some really cool features that tie into a variety of other aspects of the game.
4] The raid is not crazy bugged and has good mechanics, challenging, and rewards cool items. Bonus points for a cool environment/immersion/visuals/audio and anything else that could add flavor.

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After the raid was ironed out, its actually not that bad. It is kinda fun… and actually allowing us to help them test it before official release REALLY made a big difference so I am glad they did that. All the other content (excluding dungeons) is flat for most end-gamers.

However this is not the biggest problem… It is the bugs that have been around forever that are killing the enjoyment in the game right now. The cold hard truth is that if these game breaking bugs are not addressed, it will not be as easy for OrbusVR to compete with other VRMMO titles and I really wish that they would get those foundations polished and out the way.


It’s actually going to be a crafting profession, similar to alchemy/lure crafting and whatnot. Not a combat class.

I’m really hoping this works very well once implemented. The hassle of stopping what your doing, especially in shards with time constraints, to go to your PC grab the combat logs/output log then open up emails and send them with a description of the issue is painful. They mentioned how it should have more in depth tracking to hopefully find the cause of bugs quicker and easier (hopefully i didn’t dream that). Things like crashing, that I personally seem to be one of the worst for, doesn’t even give crash logs for me. I’ve tried emailing the Devs multiple logs and descriptions of whats happening and they really tried to fix it but just couldn’t as nothing shows the cause in the logs.

Crashing is definitely the biggest issue IMO.


Your reply, is the epitome of the perfect reply for those who are not trolling. Bulleted points. Each issue addressed in well mannered and intelligent response, some with proof of what your stating. No emotions leaked, accidentally or otherwise. WOW. I’m impressed.

I understand Everything you said and am aware of all the issues. I was suggesting such because I can not think of any other reason the dev’s are ignoring your pleas. These issues have persisted from the beginning and they have yet to do nothing. As you stated there have been numerous posts about these bugs over the years.

I have contacted many companies and informed them of the incorrect trajectory they are taking and how to correct it so their companies will not fail. Only to watch as they suddenly close shop due to bankruptcy. And I can never figure out why they didn’t listen.

I feel for you all and have the same wishes for this game, but if they will not reply to this thread, it just shows where they are. This is not a sensitive issue. It is a simple one. “sorry all, we will get to work on these bugs and keep you informed” is all it takes. I just don’t want you guys to waste your time with a company who really doesn’t care. I want to see you all in a better newer VR game that will listen to the community. YOU ALL deserve better than this. Good luck guys!


It’s actually going to be a crafting profession, similar to alchemy/lure crafting and whatnot. Not a combat class.

Ah, weird they called it “class.” Thanks!

I mean, I don’t know that they are (totally) ignoring these requests given the roadmap. There’s a balance to be struck though between totally new development & enriching the current game / bug fixing.

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Used to be a ‘fishing’ class before reborn, so another non-combat class makes sense, really.

I did consider that but he said “like alchemy” as well, and since fishing has since been reduced to a tool the meaning of the word “class” here was not immediately transparent to me.

The exact word they use is “discipline” actually, but they use it the same way you’d use class. The different classes in Orbus are called “battle disciplines”.

oh misread what you wrote. Yes classes = battle discipline here. I’ll accept that but it will confuse any player who has ever played any rpg.

Fair enough.

Though I was personally surprised that reborn didn’t have crafting classes already, since that and gathering classes are often what I go for, and just play a healer to get dungeon materials so I don’t have to pay for them.
But also, to be fair, this is literally them breaking new ground for gaming, so them not being able to code a dozen classes, crafting and gathering classes, and a ton of other stuff that’s common in other MMOs, imo, is completely understandable.
Personally I think they’ve done a better job than any corporations could have, since they would have given classes no depth, made everything an excessive grind, and somehow jammed loot boxes into it.

Personally I think they’ve done a better job than any corporations could have, since they would have given classes no depth, made everything an excessive grind, and somehow jammed loot boxes into it.

hmmm I’m not sure our interpretation of that statement is the same. Runemage has some depth. Unless by “classes” you mean crafting. The activity of crafting with alchemy itself is cool. Though alchemy as a total system has a small handful of major problems.


Alright, allow me to elaborate then.

Each class has at least some depth to it. While runemage is far and away the one that requires the most practice, every class requires at least some (often at least double digit) hours of practice to learn to utilize to its fullest potential. Even if you were to give new players a level 30 of a class, if you put them side by side with an experienced player, there’s going to be a drastic distance regardless of class.
Opposingly, you have more classic WoW-type combat where you simply mash rotation, watch for procs for cooldown skills, and move around for mechanics. Legitimately, at one point over 90% of the player base would simply use macros (before a very popular one was banned, along with a large amount of the player base that used it) to just have the program run the dungeon for them because the skill curve was so minimal for every class, because nearly every class played the same as each other.
Here is the exact opposite: warrior and paladin, despite both being tanks, have very different mechanics, balancing issues aside; DPS each have their own niche to micromanage; and the healers I don’t think could be more different, even if I don’t ever plan on playing a bard. Lol.
And while this game has reward caches, they’re not the sole requirement for progression, unlike most AAA titles nowadays. Hence also part of the reason I stepped away from console gaming into VR.

TLDR: I have to mostly agree to disagree personally.

The battle disciplines to me are dirt simple. The battle disciplines might come off as more complex because the medium is VR and not a keyboard with hundreds of usable key-combinations and macros. Combat complexity is something important to me, I liked to be engaged when I fight. I enjoy risk and getting that adrenaline flowing. Raid fights will at the least get your attention active, but even then I don’t exactly feel threatened at any point in the fight. I don’t feel the urge to try and speed my DPS up. Death also has no cost whatsoever in raids or dungeons, other than losing the time you spent/pots(and resources are abundant besides the fish- but pots last an hour). Unbending is also a terrible idea, it was only kind of fair when every mechanic 1 shot you. It’s fine that some mechanics do that. There are some effects that do not immediately kill you now, which is nice. I personally would enjoy seeing something akin to a bullet hell on some of the hardest bosses, where your failures/successes have consequences, with people tasked to doing multiple things and maybe some everyone-dps-the-boss all at once phases. Healing/Tanking is eyhhhhh in this game, imo. Why? Because there are no resources, only cooldowns. As long as your healer/tank can endure hell itself, and the DPS can keep up with simple mechanics/not get 1-shot, you will achieve victory. True the longer you take, the longer you are rolling the dice someone will slip. I am anti bullet-sponge. Reasonable scaling is important. New players need weaker enemies as they learn, and experienced/better geared players will destroy unscaled enemies. It’s desirable to have mobs that are not pushovers, but the challenge in advanced gameplay should come from evolving, interesting, mechanics not from taking 1000 more unnecessary hits with the strongest weapons available in game. I enjoy “fair randomness” or “reactive gameplay” where you can’t simply just predict what is -exactly- going to happen & when, but the event is also not going to just 100%->0% wipe your group flat out for bad RNG. Situations where the players must be aware & react, rather than purely predict & plan. A degree of randomness throws a wrench in your plans and challenges the group to recover or suffer from it. Not every fight needs this. This exists to some extent… but usually in uninteresting ways(adds healing the boss, floating blue balls, line-attack might come from 1 of 2 directions from the same origin point). It’s not highly engaging, often you don’t even to really move, and the mechanics usually aren’t chronologically close together. There’s also few times that mechanics overlap. One example of where they do, the 2nd boss of airship, you might hop in the green circle & he shotguns at the same time (a bad spot, since ur tank just moved there too). Cool, you might want to hesitate jumping in there & this will apply pressure/quick decision making to you. VR combat should flow and be immersive, the current gameplay for feels little different to me here than being on a keyboard where I am mostly idle and DPSing down with a simple rotation, occasionally dodging some mechanic or killing an add.
Even the world events, like the shoot-the-shielded-mobs with a catapult have interactables that allow you to engage your environment for some light VR immersive purpose. Go ahead and throw explosives at me, shoot arrows at my head, throw a boomerang, charge forward at quick speeds, burrow underground(worms), explode on-death(instead of waiting to slowly explode… why not explode immediately upon death & just deal less damage(that isn’t 1/2 ur hp?)? So I don’t have to wait like 5 seconds…), perform a charge-up attack I can physically dodge IRL / hamstring or slow me so I can’t just TP-dodge everything? Or a move-while-charging attack rather than standing still every time? Rather than shield an enemy, why not enlarge/buff the damage of an enemy for a different kind of threat? Disarm my weapon (make it translucent?) for X seconds? Make a barrier that absorbs ranged attacks, or a barrier that absorbs magic damage & forces me to swap targets (if I am a mage)? How about an AoE damage buff that goes onto an enemy and punishes any players standing near the mob (and its just more dmg for the tank to eat?) How about knockback? If it were a slower knockback effect, would it really be that disorienting (I am fairly non-disoriented by VR, so maybe for some?) Bring back those good old line attacks either instantly doing damage or acting like a beam/ray attack. Or AoE effects like the ghost people from preborn that you have to get out of, just don’t make it red-zone/insta damage like it used to be… we have the technology in reborn (and it’s great!). Throw some sticky tar under my feet that momentarily prevents movement/teleportation or eats away at my stamina quickly, down to like 25%(or maybe even 0%). I liked how terrifying tigers were with their leap attack and their damage output. Why not add an actual leap-effect(that is, there is movement to be seen, not teleportation)? If I were a new player, and a tiger literally leaped at me from a bush and destroyed my face I would probably poop my pants. In preborn I was always very aware of my surroundings and looking for tigers. More smaller bleed effects, not just curable poison? Reduce my armor? Reduce my magic resist? Add an occasional annoying mob that has bad threat handling, sort of like the shard affix, to keep the tank on their toes? An alert patrol mob in raids that has low hp, and if it sneaks up on you and sets off the alarm, you are gonna have a bad time? These types of abilities, alone for example the tar ability, may not seem so threatening. But then you begin to pair them. -oh- this enemy group can AoE snare me, and do a crazy AoE… I really better not get snared! Furthermore you can begin to code in advanced logic for these pairings. For this group, if in the same group an enemy has the tar ability, for shard level 5+, wait rnd(0, $difficulty) seconds for the tar ability to go down before using the AoE ability if the tar ability is up within 3 seconds, else just use it whenever as normal. Or the mob that doesn’t hold aggro, now it’s been buffed with the AoE damage effect & has ran to your backline. The players must react & deal with the situation. Players start to think more carefully about CC/interrupt, timing cooldowns, dodging/positioning, kill order… etc (strategy/thought/involvement is born). Open world lootable chests, maybe even picklocking, and mimics? How about the occasional polymorph, that is, you turn into a chicken/toad whatever (3rd person view? or 1st person? not sure how others would feel about this - 1st person = disorienting? 3rd person = non immersive? I’d personally be okay with having a sudden 1st person view as a chicken. Maybe you can give them a screen effect first or like shrink them down to size gradually [from the player’s perspective, instant to others]). How about an enemy shaman and you can destroy their totems? How about weapon-parrying vs melee attacks as a warrior that reduces your damage rather than nullify it, gaining extra riposte damage on your next attack & just to not over-rely on the shield? How about more interesting talents/arrows for archers, maybe even let them equip more than a few arrows? Maybe their arrows are changed for X seconds rather than just a single shot? Like an arrow-specialist, as opposed to the now nerfed speed-shooter(that some players previously enjoyed) and the slow-shooter ranger. For dungeons, like airship, instead of slowly getting portals on your ship, why not have a badass ship-fight shooting cannon shots/running cannonballs(that is someone runs a cannon ball to it, you chuck it in, and like light a fuse with a torch-object while grabbing the cannon & aiming it), where you can actually miss your shots, all while they shoot those little arrow things at you (from the portal event) on top of crap teleporting on your ship? If you fail, the dungeon resets (rather than hitting respawn and just re-attacking the next group, or what’s left of it…). The enemy is trying to kill you & damage your cannons, they are shooting at your ship and damaging the hull. You can impede their progress by damaging their cannons with your cannons. Maybe you end up getting boarded by boss #1 (and you are still being shot at, ie you need to kill the boss quick and continue some mechanics in the meantime), then having to board their ship for the last fight (thats more than you being simply teleported, for example flying over them and being dropped onto their ship or gliding over to it / over some cool scenic battle & landscape.) Then to finish the dungeon you scuttle their ship and bounce on back over to yours, watching it crash/burn/explode whilst exchanging fist bumps and collecting your loot. Or how about in the Jungle (which is typically a really dangerous place) add more environment effects? A dense forest area with mobs that blend in, hp bars not showing. Bog creatures that lie underneath the bog, popping out to attack you as you explore an a particular swamp area of a map. Standing in the bog lowers your max stamina & stamina regen by 50%. Spiders that drop down from above (ie I am just listing ambush mechanics…). Though you might learn quick and get a hint when you enter a specific kind of area. “Weird, all this spiderweb…but where are the spiders?” - “oh.” Have the spider cave be very dark, and add a torch/lantern tool, and give use to the light potion/light spell. Be able to burn cobwebs with the torch(or fire effects, like fireball/fire rain arrow, or slashing with a sword), or if you walk through them you get a slow-effect applied to you temporarily(maybe even aggro for certain webs.) Fighting a variety of mobs, to include jungle themed mobs in preborn was more interesting than more stick people in the first zone. If anywhere, the stick people actually make more sense in the jungle (in addition to other mobs though), and the first zone feels out of place. I get the lore, to some extent, why they are there but the end result is just weird altogether.

This is just a stream-of-consciousness post of random ideas, may not every idea above is gold or even -exactly- what I’d want, given more extensive thought, but they to provide a general sense of ideas that I think are good.

It’s a lot of personal preference, but I am very a combat oriented player. I think combat in this game is incredibly simple. I very much enjoy the VR aspect to it, physically swinging a sword and such. I just wish that the combat & class building wasn’t so simple. I’d at-least have reloading mechanics for scoundrel, but really a lot more. I’d have different weapons & combos / playstyles for warrior. I’d have sets of additional spells or spell-effects to pick from for mages with clear advantages & use-cases where one simply does not dominate the other because one ability is either so bad or niche(aka, “you are a bad mage for taking that poop ability”). Want to be a very single DPS oriented mage? How about some support spell options? How about mechanics where those support spells look valuable (because basically only DPS matters as long as ur tank/healer can survive)? Honestly why not at this point just have a caster-healer specialization w/mana that can’t fireball etc? A different set of spells, maybe altogether or partially. I might want to heal but musketeer and bard(especially, in it’s current state) both are not appealing. I might want to play warrior but I may want to do more than use a sword, spam all the day few very basic combos, and maybe not use a shield? Like a DPS warrior, with hammers, dual wielding, spears? etc. This variety gives players the ability to find something they like, and play a variant which resonates with them, & not every player is the same. They get to play around/explore the combinations of things and grow into their own playstyle. Shamans can’t move, why not let them hold a totem in their hand? I literally could go on forever. All this does is simply enrich the game and add options to enjoy the game. In the Orbus VR trailer, you can see people ducking/dodging enemy attacks, I think even multiple times? To be fair I’ve never tried ducking under the cyclops laser… I’ll have to try that (but probably die immediately instead?). Why not make the cyclops spin faster and actually make this a mechanic? Maybe he does that AOE ability on 1/2 the platform (so you will die if you try to get behind him) and then he does the laser, with a wider laser, and basically force you to duck? Perhaps rocks start falling from the ceiling (and telegraphing on the floor) while he laser beams, not in a circle, but aimed at a random player (with speed) & leaves a burning effect on the floor momentarily that damages players standing in it. The beam doesn’t instantly kill, but it does high damage very quickly. The player being chased has to be mindful to not get other players hit whilst dodging themselves. If they stand right next to the cyclops to run tight circles and allow players to stand behindd them(as this would be a cheese strategy), have the cyclops whack them in the face for standing too close and do like 50% their hp a hit while still chasing them with the laser. Maybe add some of these features as a higher level shard mechanic (shard 5+?). Also @ the trailer there’s a guy smacking away at harvesting as if the distance/speed of his swing actually mattered at all (it doesn’t). I very non-immersively lightly tap whatever it is I am harvesting, and if it’s ore I just kind of shake my hand at it and it’s still “1 swing.”

Lastly there must be the carrot, the reward. Combat itself should be fun, in some games combat is also the reward. Orbus is an RPG, there is loot & progression not just combat. If I can simply go farm the easiest creatures, and my RPG goal is to farm dram or some resource, I am probably going to optimize my farm which could include killing easier creatures. This is a bad formula if this is the case for every item I’d want. There needs to be reward/advantage, to include unique rewards(over killing regular or weaker mobs) for taking on more challenging content(like preborn wilds/abberations - as a single 1 example). For example, in preborn, people often grouped up at like level 16, etc to take down the level 20 worms for XP & loot (when dungeon loot/xp was poor). Now you are just handed the best weapon from one of the first chests you get while leveling up. You can even choose to not explore new areas and just do dailies/events. Valuable loot should not be so easily handed out, otherwise it loses all meaning. It removes goals/activities when you are simply handed everything you want. It’s like entering a cheat code in a game that just gives you everything, what is the fun in that? This includes increased chances at rare drops, certain rare drops altogether, unique rare drops (specific loot tables), increased dram, xp, naturally the grinder applies here (it will go to higher levels with elites), weapon/armor upgrades & rarity, quests requiring elite kills, and the reward of fighting more challenging enemies(in addition to the other benefits) / if you are grouped then social interaction. If you were grouped doing weaker content, it becomes boring because you will just demolish everything. Harder content that favors groups inspires social interaction, friend making, conversation while you farm, guild recruitment, information sharing, literally anything involving multiple players which is a fundamental component to mmorpgs. I farmed my J-for-jester item with a musketeer because [a] it made sense and [b] it was more fun to hang out with a friend. If I were 1-shotting all those mobs, and they were super easy to solo, why would I want someone in my group when my overarching goal is to farm the rare item(and in this case, non-tradeable so even worse). To clarify, it’s okay to have some rares which can be collected solo, but it’s imperative to require groups as well to obtain some rare or sought after items. To do harder content(or to do it more efficiently), you will want to be better at your class & seek better gear. The entire cycle of personal development/taking on harder content feeds into itself. Also, specific loot-tables/rares give value to all encounters. You might prefer killing stick people as fast as you can, but if you want -specific item here- you are gonna have to go out of your way and kill that other mob too. Suddenly your crypt +# is more valuable to you than your broken halls shard(which is super easy) because you can only loot some specific cosmetic you want out of crypt +#. Maybe the item is tradeable, so people who already have it are also interested in taking a crack at getting it. Maybe the item is consumable, so there is a repeat reason to go.

You could say I have high standards, maybe I do? I’ve met many other players who share similar standards and desire to see this kind of content in a VRMMO. This kind of content doesn’t appear overnight, but the kind of stuff I am describing is indeed possible for a game like Orbus without any kind of major performance hit even for quest users. I don’t think we are so limited. Now, put 60 people together at a world boss…and yes, but that is already the case.

People like J, from what I’ve derived, just want the gamebreaking bugs fixed(and some content like rare loot). I think that is the natural case for all players. What I’ve written in my posts is what I’d describe as the biggest problem, for me, which includes gamebreaking bugs/content/more. A wholesome MMORPG with more developed features, quality over quantity (yet enough variety). 15 meaty bois and not 40 skeletons.

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