The problem with raid legendary drops

just something extra: If you read this and think ‘oh its only 1% of players’ then you are thinking about it wrong… These are the sort of mechanics that should be added throughout all the game… Not just ‘for the 1%’… At the same time… if you decide it is not worth it for the 1%… Remember that the 1% are playing the game considerable amounts of hours and the 1% are doing more than their usual part to help the community.

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I really want the grinding system with lucky drops to be back, where you get a chance for every kill.

Sure one token per week, but what is the reasoning for only one lucky drop chance per week?

Especially now where you have to kill a specific boss to get the drop anyway, you might as well make that repeatable. You do the same work every time, why remove the reward?


Also that the 1% actually is more like 25% of active player base

my headcount or by time played overall… because if by headcount then it is probably not true… but by timeplayed then i would say so yeah.

this is true, i raided 3 times a week for probably almost 3 months and i never got my legendary bow, however on my very first raid (back when I tanked) i got a legendary sword that was 100% percent useless to me because it was normal mode xD

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