Why does so much look the same? What happened to all the variety of OG Orbus?

Im not sure why in reborn things in terms of the variety of mobs and types of lands are so repetative/limited? (holy crap the amount of repeat/reskin here is so bad). Maybe im going crazy, but i remember so many more mob types missing even just from the early areas. It seems like so much is just these wood guys all over then reskins of them. Crabs, rabbits, snakes, bees , worms, dragons, wolves, cactar…ect? its kinda crazy how drastically small the pool is here.

The world itself too, so much is mostly these green land formations. Lavamore is just the same as highsteppe, but some black stones here and there. The flooded rainforest looks mostly the same but more water. What the heck happened to the desserts/rainforests…ect that were there before?

I decided to take a quick run around to see what i was not having to really interact with (i got to level 28 before i quit by never leaving the first area really and leveled quite quickly. To my surprise i wasnt missing much, its mostly repeated assets and reskinned mobs.

I thought things like the lvl scaling/lack of feeling progression was bad, but i guess it really was smart since there is little to no reason to explore since there isnt much out there anyways.

seriously…what happened? you have a sizeable world that was fairly well laid out with plenty of mob variety…and it all got tossed out…for what?

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Didn’t you quit 12 days ago after complaining and complaining in several similar threads … lol what’s the point or are you just an alt of someone, trying to troll? Judging from what you stated you barely played the old game nor did you play this game; the time for all these postings exceeds your playtime, but yah each to his own. (Yes, we get it, you miss the old Orbus, but yah this is slowly really bit odd, js …)

I only had one thread and only jumped on to run around and see what the world i wasnt using was like. I said to the dev, I want the game to get better and ill keep an eye on it, so as much as im complaining, its because there was something i quite liked there and want it to get better. I wouldnt waste my time otherwise.

For a serious response, can you explain why there is so little variety? What really happened to all those monsters and such? why did they not add them into this one instead of reskining so much? Why did they alter the world and make it far more samey vs leaving it as is?

Im genuinely curious and also curious if you are a player who is purely blind to it for loyalty sake or something? dont you wont the same thing?

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[Mike_C1]:The world itself too, so much is mostly these green land formations. Lavamore is just the same as highsteppe, but some black stones here and there. The flooded rainforest looks mostly the same but more water. What the heck happened to the desserts/rainforests…ect that were there before?

You need to see the basin and the town there. Prettiest part of the game, imo, although I wish they had put the tavern there.

[Mike_C1]:seriously…what happened? you have a sizeable world that was fairly well laid out with plenty of mob variety…and it all got tossed out…for what?

Also I think the community is getting tired of these threads and would rather discuss things that might actually be implemented in Reborn. No point in harassing the devs and they have already seen most of the suggestions that come up in these types of threads in the pages-long ones of when Reborn first came out.

Edit: Because I’m bad at blockquotes and don’t like leaving thing unattributed.

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maybe i ahvent been looking into those other posts, but i dont get why all that work was mostly tossed away. why not re-use or re-do a lot of it before you call it a whole new better world?

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Most things that the community recommend don’t get implemented or even commented on by the devs, so I’m not surprised that people make posts complaining about things that are actually in the game that are bad, rather than making posts about things that are not in the game that could be good.

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You had two long threads which both were supernegative plus comments in others but nvm… I find all these discussions so very repetitive, that I won’t engage anymore, most these points have been brought up that often, reading forums is like a broken record and yea all of this has been answered (and suggested) already, over and over, way back into the beta if you’d bother looking it up I was one of them engaging in that, we all were suggesting variety and devs did reply to all of this (and changed textures of the ‘sticks’ etc… )

PS: And there were alot of changes made btw. Events are back with even old mobs, answering to the nostalgics etc., but complainers are part of the problem since they would not even notice if things are added or changed nor noticing the many replies all this got. Since it’s mostly people who either didn’t bother leveling to max (why would anyone seriously post about “comparing” games if he was barely knowing one or two starter areas of the old game and even less of reborn?! Wastelands can’t really be more different than HS, and the whole world changes anyway with seasons now… the switch from winter to spring was major, for all areas…) or who quit the game - for whatever odd reason not the forums - so well, pretty much pointless.

Here’s my post about variety over a year ago, January 2019 btw, still beta … countless followed and yea, there were lots of changes made since then, for example wildlife and the mobs are no longer “all-brownish” as it was originally, colors were added later on: Monster and NPC appearance - Variety?

With regards to mob variety, the original overworld had a lot of different “skins” of monsters that all behaved the exact same way. Essentially - run forward and hit you in the face, with no difference whether it was a wolf or a bandit.

When we made Reborn, we wanted to spend more time fleshing out monsters to actually have different mechanics and feel different to fight instead of having a large of number of different looking ones that were effectively the same mob. That’s why now there are fewer appearances but a much bigger diversity in terms of mob behavior. From casters to gunners, to melees with different AoEs to dodge, mobs shielding each other or healing, etc. However, that also means that a lot more time must be spent on each monster type.

We’ll keep adding to the assortment of monsters as we go. The mini DLC has a few brand new mobs that feel different to fight from what’s there, and we’ve been playing around with different types in the festivals as well.


I had similiar issues to mob variety feeling stale in the past and they did add passive mobs for some more variety.

(This thread might be interesting for the dev response from Riley Mob variety in Reborn)

I think the main issue is that most people assume new zone = new mob type - that’s how it was in the old orbus or at least felt like. I would like to see just some re-skins of the existing tree guys in the rainforest and lamavora just so there’s more variety. in terms of gameplay variety I think its obviously been thought about and there is a big range of different things.

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Except my treasure map idea which I’m excited to see. <3

There are new enemy types being planned in the mini-pack that could be used in the main game.

It would be fun to have veriety reskined enemies
based on locations though, I do like that idea.

I took this a week or so ago

Some things do get implemented, but ever since @Riley_D stopped checking the forums, Dev interactions on the forums have dropped a hell of a lot, he used to get involved with discussions on stuff quite a bit, just look through Riley’s posts you’ll see how involved he was and none of the other devs have really filled that void, now we only really see @Mathieu_D and that’s mostly to keep things under control and put out announcements, while the other devs don’t really appear, so now it just feels like we aren’t being heard, at least until whatever we suggest gets thrown into the game as a surprise, however, it does leave me feeling uneasy when I leave a good suggestion or report something that needs fixing or adjusting and it gets no response


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