A Piece Of Me Feels Cheated

Just would like to point out that not a single alpha orbus player still plays the game, and that to my knowledge not a single beta either, with very very few early access release players still playing

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Would like to point out you ignore my existence.


u playedd alpha? dont remember ur existance

Ya most Ethernal Knights ignored me :man_shrugging: (played even before alpha, pre-alpha)

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Thatā€™s odd. I honestly donā€™t think Iā€™d seen you until most of us had stopped playing. Did you go by Scott the whole time? (Yeah, this is a slight topic derail, whatever lol)

Yeah, I canā€™t remember which alpha (that might have even be the beta this memory :thinking:) but I am 100% sure I was in a circle at the high lvl rainforest mobs teleportstone. I asked you Logan repeatedly if you had a 5th player for the new rainforest dungeon but no direct response. I also was very active on the forums bug reporting starting end alpha. So hard to miss me there. Also played very much every alpha and beta but played alot less on initial early access first month or two.

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Oh Iā€™m sorry :frowning: I probably already had 5, but it was a jerk move to ignore you. I may have been distracted and not noticed, but still. I have a feeling I did that to a lot of people without realizing it. Iā€™m glad you found your crowd and achieved a lot.

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Iā€™m also from the old Beta, I miss alot from that game. I would definitely pay again to play.
However as everything has pretty been mentioned, I can only hope that the devā€™s will bring back all that was amazing about the OG into Reborn. One of my favorite was the no level scaling. The feeling of achievement was amazing when you could oneshot the whole map almost!

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Unless the devs are pulling the communityā€™s leg, I dont expect level-scaling to be removed.
I havenā€™t played OG but I can watch videos of it. I do like the darker grass and overall texture of certain things.

Know what, preborn does look better from what Iā€™ve seen. If anything, Iā€™d like a re-texture of Reborn to match that rustic vibe x3

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:stuck_out_tongue: There is one beta player left in game, maybe two


Yā€™all went off topic a bit but I still want an answer from the Devs. Who agrees? What can and canā€™t or are and arenā€™t willing to re implement? Bc I promise we want as much as possible. @Riley_D @Mathieu_D @Robert

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People are critical about something because it means something to them. A bit of transparency from Dev to player would be healthy as transparency from player to Dev is more than plentiful.

Even when Matthew stated OG wasnā€™t coming back but implementations could be considered, players immediately posted suggestions based around that.


Scott, stop trying to prove you exist.


Fish life matters!


Lol the same topic keeps reoccurring, countless amounts of times. Lots of OG just do not prefer this new, ā€œfakeā€ orbus. You cant just give up almost 4000 hours like that. The fact that the devs just say ā€œWe have no plans of re-implementing old school Orbusā€ infuriates so many players. This topic is never going to die down as long as one person still wants it. Lots of people have given up on reborn within the first 2-3 months!!! Lots of us have lost close connections and friends because that ā€œgameā€ is what held them together. Now, we went from getting on everyday for anywhere from 2-12 hours a day to not getting on in 3-4 months or even talking to the people we grew so close with!! I miss looking forward to talking with my friends about planning to farm a high level shard, or go farming in the wilds, or help newbs with questing, or get a group to do a raid, or hell even go farm and sell things for Dram. I mean dont get me wrong you can still do 90% of that in reborn but it gives nowhere near the same satisfaction as OG did, and because OG was taken away and not even left a chance to still survive, i have lost not only friends, but 4000k hours of my life, thats why I feel cheated.


And as long as many more people are genuinely enjoying reborn, thereā€™s no reason why it has to change :confused: imo

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I am not arguing to get rid of reborn rather to allow us to play old school orbus. We are not asking for updates just the old game as it is. And if Reborn is soooo good and lots better than old orbus why are there countless suggestions of re implementing old school orbus into reborn? lol


Idk, I just see the same people reposting.

because the other half gave up? Come on now its really not that hard to see.


Iā€™d appreciate it if you didnā€™t speak to me so condescendingly for starts. Iā€™d say the ones that left have it right in the head. They arenā€™t wastin their time.

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