Adding a Auction House!

5-10% tax on profit that exceeds vendor pricing for 12 hours Auction sounds nice :+1:

Maybe a extra % for each stack of items, thereby limiting someone with too much time to flood the market.

I kind of like how it is now, with the higher level players selling off there treasuers hoards collected from long ago, with no annoying tax that i have to deal with in real life. I like the small stalls… the walls of listed tradable goods in other games that have auction houses just puts me off, and has no midevil feeling. It’s just… to modern.

I’m still waiting for the rainforest stalls to open up for trade and possibly dessert as well? Could take one of those :smile:

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They had Auction Houses back Roman Empire days, I don’t think it will take away any feel from the game it will just make trading a lot more easier and help stabilise some of the prices of certain items.

They did not have the kilometer long listing of 1000 people adding all there stuff for sale, with time untill expiered ticking down and a bunch of other stuff.

I do play a few MMO games, with auction houses

It’s ok in the futuristic ones… but I don’t like it in the midevil setting

With the small community that Orbus has it won’t be seeing any kilometre long listings, You would end up saving time and effort searching listings on a Auction house then waving to bunch of different stalls and comparing prices! Not to mention there all not in the same Town/city.

That grows fast man… there are plenty of items in the game, just one of each for sale would make it quite a scroll, then add selling in pairs, 10s full stacks, and buying for prices to that. Just every active player adding one or two items a day will give you a 1000 long list in no time

that’s why most of these auction houses can be filtered, like searching for items with prices between x and y, searching for specific item category and so on. Also I don’t think having auction house needs to replace stalls, they could work at the same time. It’s just that there are not too many slots for a stall, so even if there is a guild stall, the one getting the stall will usually cut some percentage to get the new stall, so it’s not much different from the auction houses, but it also means that the “owner” of the said stall won’t make much profit this way. I think it is amazing that they can put out wares to the stalls, but for smaller items that are usually purchased in bulk, auction house would work better (like reagents, ores and herbs)

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Just going to throw a bump on this thread while the devs are looking at the future road map, in hopes that an auction house makes it onto the new roadmap

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Rather than having an auction house, they should improve the market stalls to be able to buy materials from other players.

I don’t think anyone is thinking VR-y enough about this. Make it an actual auction to buy items. You’d have to go to the auction house, you get a paddle thing with your number or something and when the item you want comes up you raise your paddle to bid! The auction house would probably need to have several rooms and maybe each room specializes in a different type of item, like fish, potions, dye, materials, etc. I think it’d be a lot more fun to actually be involved in a real auction process than just picking from a menu and putting in a number.


The issue with that is there are 20 stalls meaning only 20 players have the ability to sell items and adding more stalls to other locations will just make it more of a hassle to go each place, Waving at every stall just to compare prices trying to get the best deal for your dram. Having a classic MMO styled Auction house will improve the life’s of everyone that doesn’t have enough yet to rent a stall out, While also saving time of Orbus staff in the long run.


Yup, I have to agree, the stalls are pretty limited, if you don’t have the dram to get one then it can be difficult to get into the market, even if they make it so players with stalls can also put up items they want to buy, it would give them an even bigger control over the market than they already have.

As a stall owner, I would much rather there be an auction house, it doesn’t have to replace the stalls, can work along side them but it would give the playerbase a chance to get into market and sell the goods they have collected but been unable to sell due to not having a stall

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One of the things I like about the stalls is it is different than most MMO’s. Most of the stalls are empty and are pretty cheap to get into. If you farm any of the low level dungeons for an hour or 2 you would have enough money to buy a stall based on what they have been going for.

There were talks that the devs were going to implement a finder tool for the stalls so you could find what stalls were selling the items you were looking for. There are multiple plans the devs had to make the stalls better that would satisfy a lot of your complaints. Hopefully a lot of this stuff will still get added.

As it stands right now, the Dutch auction system for market stalls makes it so only those who already have a lot of dram are able to compete in the market stall rental for highstepe (the area with much higher player foot traffic). It creates a virtual oligarchy of players whom already have an established wealth. A traditional auction house system would make it so all players from all timezones have a chance at competing in the economy and open the free market for tradable items. Putting it in Guild City would make that space more valuable to set as your player house.


Would be good, especially with a guild city rework still coming up

I thought I’d mention, I sell a ton of items in Guild City (couple 100k’s every month). If you want to make money you can as the location doesn’t matter, only the uniqueness of your items you are selling compared to neighboring stalls. Any person that spends the $10k to get a guild city stall can make a lot of money. You just have to know what to see. I know other have made good money to in GC selling unique items. I would like to see the rework done for GC in hopes it does bring more people there.

I’m very confident I could start with 0 dram today and have over $1 million dram in 2-3 months depending on how much farming I want to do. My point is anyone can make money with the current system if they want to.

trading in general should be more accessible and transparent. maybe an auction house would help this for sure.


Hexno bangs the nail right on the head, Most people don’t have spare time to Grind/Farm enough Dram to even have a chance at a Highstepps stall. If Orbus gets a population boost this problem will only get worst not better.

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I believe in even competition and supply and demand.

The current system is, while romantic, heavily prejudiced against newer players as has already been mentioned.

One way to keep the “romantic” feel of the stalls could be that rather than having players rent the stalls, all stalls would be NPC operated. And players would register their goods at the stalls instead as the core mechanic. This would allow equal footing between players new and old, poor and rich.

The system could be further refined by filtering per stall and perhaps a master auctioneer in each settlement at which you could filter through all stalls, and get the stall location and number of your desired item.

To prevent the community becoming “lazy” and just registering everything at one specific stall for ease of use, you could have an item registration fee starting at free and going slowly higher and higher the more total items are registered in a specific stall.

This would ensure an even spread of items and also be a small “per player” based money sink since rich players probably won’t care too much with higher fees on stalls with large amounts of registered goods, while newer and poorer players would look for stalls with less goods to register their items more cheaply or perhaps even for free.

Just an idea :wink:

And best of all, something like this shouldn’t be hard to implement either /hint hint devs :wink:

Edit 2:
To prevent the registration fee range to possibly get into silly numbers should a very high amount of items be registered in a stall, the fee range could simply have fixed tiers of fees. As such all that is needed to determine what a registration fee would be at a certain stall would be to internally have a list of all the stalls sorted by lowest to highest amount of items in each. At that point it is easy to assign fees to all the stalls depending on their stock, along with a minimum of x items in stall per fee tier to prevent an “empty” market to demand high fees.

It could be done in a whole lot of other ways that would work just fine as well :wink:

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