Alpha Test 7 Feedback Thread

Just found a bug with the “Giant” potion. After drinking it everything is small to me, but to everyone else I’m normal size. I asked another player called sinomon who happened to be near by. I also asked another guy a bit later and they both confirmed I looked normal size. While the potion is active I couldn’t go into my house, or interact with my pet or do anything very much… which isn’t really a problem except that it didn’t seem to ever wear off! After like 20 mins of wandering around as a giant it still was active… Should it be that long?

Also (as a suggestion) you should make a use for using this potion to become like a giant. Like what about allowing you to reach things high up you normally couldn’t. Like hard to reach foragable items in tall trees, or secret stashes of loot on peoples roof tops. You should also do a miniature potion, that enables you to squeeze through tight places and into someone else’s house by squeezing under the door. Than after the potion wears off, you can steal their stuff and leave the normal route through the door. Did anyone say “thief” class?



Okay, thans for the heads up. Sounds like it didn’t clear out for you locally but was correct on the server hence why other people saw you the correct size.

Interesting ideas, haha. That might be fun!

Just FYI, about 2 hours to go until the test ends. Hope you’re all having fun!

Bug report time! :yum:

The good stuff:

  • Journal is working great now. I kind of wish it would follow me like the menu does, but not a big deal.
  • Sound sliders work perfect and are much appreciated.
  • Questing is working very smoothly now, other than listing above the needed item count, such as 5/3, instead of stopping at 3/3.
  • Death mechanic is working nicely, as well as the recovereing durabiltiy with my gravestone.
  • Pet is super cool!

The Bugs:

  • Trackpad locomotion is still “sticking” sometimes. I noticed this time that while I was a musketeer and it was sticking, the opposite controller’s orientation was what it was following, instead of the orientation of the controller that I was pressing the trackpad on.

  • It rains indoors, inside village huts and inside caves.

  • I think if you die with one class then switch classes and recover your tombstone that it will not add back your durability to the damaged weapons/armor. I did not verify this though.

General Issues:

  • Help I am running out of inventory, lol. Might be time for a bank vault, larger backpack or at least a NPC merchant so I can sell trash loot for dram and clear out some space.

  • Pets need to be at least as fast as us. I seen many pets running across the world alone, desperately trying to keep up with their owners.

Al in all, it is coming together nicely. I am looking forward to helping out noobs in the open alpha. :grin:

Which places exactly did you see this? This is a fix on my end.

Village hut in the jungle by spider island and the cave leading to the giant statues on the mountain.

ok thanks Valikron!!!

We were seeing rain in the final boss cave of the jungle dungeon yesterday.

Okay, that’s a wrap! We’re done for now. Thanks everyone! See you for the Open Alpha on July 28th!

Some additional feedback I still want to get out:


  • It would be better to add tabs (with icons) on the top of the options pane (“Graphics”, “Audio”) then just a scroll-pane (the scroll pane can be quite annoying to handle in VR). The scroll-pane can stay, but adding the tabs will make it a lot easier.
  • (Told this one in the general discord chat too. But going to repeat it here)
    The affliction spell damage output and mechanics should be changed because:

– It does in total either the same amount of damage or less then a non-critical fireball spell, meaning it has no useful advantage over time. So more damage is needed.
– But when you give it more damage then the fireball, people will keep casting affliction instead of fireball because it stacks. So then the mechanics need to change to either not make the affliction stack or give less output damage while stacked.

By doing this, casting the affliction spell would become useful and more used.


  • Journal pages are still broken. Now when restarting the game, the Journal starts on the first page and everything seems fine. Then after a while playing, opening the journal always shown an empty left page, and all pages seem to have shifted one page. You can’t go a page backwards. so you go one page forward and then back one page. Then it is fixed again.
  • Quest objective order doesn’t matter. For example with the “King Sweeties” quest you can start by going to the farmer and help him with the Narrow Orchard. Then go to Guild city to “start” the assignment and and complete it by talking again :p. Then you can go to the guard post to hear you need to go to Guild City while your quest is already done lol.

The one thing I would like to throw in is that I experienced some frame drops when it was raining. I tried changing the graphics setting to low but it didn’t help. I don’t know if it is a weird issue with my card (rx 480) or what but it would be nice if we could maybe just toggle weather off or have a way to scale it down more.

I also had an issue with crashing, but that seems to have been fixed with a patch yesterday.

This was my first beta testing of this game here are a few of my notes the tutorial kept bugging on me where I couldn’t equip the next weapon I had to log-out and the then log back in, the foxes hit box were miss placed making it hard or impossible to hit them, couldn’t harvesting the reeds for the runemage quest had to log-out and back in for it to work, hair color didn’t work and sometime bash wouldn’t work most of these were on Saturday it seemed Friday was less chitche. Overall I love the game great work I mostly played the warrior class cause I had a hard time doing the spells lol but I did like how you guys made combo swings to cast taunts and cleaves very creative cant wait for the end finished game keep up the amazing work.

Yes most likely it just didn’t reset for me. It might be a good idea to add some sort of sound effect… or perhaps a visual effect when the potion kicks in, and when it times out. So at least players have a visual or audible queue that something is happening. Maybe Scooby do wavy lines or something as you transform…

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It would be even better to also add some kind of countdown timer in for example your inventory. You can miss a sound cue or small visual effect, but the such thing as a timer you can check on. Great thought of you Derson :slight_smile:

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This was my first time in Orbus, although I wasnt able to play for a lot of time due to irl stuff the overall experience has been awesome, got to level 4 musketeer.
I want to say thanks a lot for letting non-kickstarter backers to test the dragon pet, it is amazing and compared to regular mmos where I basically ignore those things, having one in Orbus its awesome, loved the iteractions and I felt I could pet it for a long time while resting from combat.


  • I had no bugs with the tutorial and it explains everything clear
  • I feel like it should have an in delpth explanation of each class when you complete it, where you ask for a class in particular and teaches you more advanced stuff, because it doesn’t tell you about warrior combos iirc
  • I know the mage is not supposed to be taught, but it could drop a couple of hints on where to start the mage chain quest. If they were there and I didn’t saw them sorry.

Overall the quests are really good.
Its good to have an indication of what is lore and what is actual content.

  • In some places it can be really confusing that some NPCs have an exclamation mark but they give no quest, they just have some dialog. Example: the woman the repairs your equipement, or the guard just after the tutorial.

As far as combat goes:

  • I haven’t had any problems with hitboxes because musketeer are basically areas
  • Its a bit annoying to not have an indication when you get hit from behind (Could break immerison)
  • The feel of the 3 classes I got to try are awesome, couldnt get the wand.

Musketeer specific combat

  • I had a hard time getting the turret to change modes.
  • I feel like the heals are too strong at the moment compared to the content, both player and monsters
  • The orbs floating in circles make it so its impossible to fight while not looking at your gun, this may be intended for balance reasons but for me it was a bit confusing since some orbs look really similar at least at the beginning.
  • The buffs and debuffs get behind the special ability bar covering them and its pretty hard to distinguish which ones you have.

Bugs I’ve found

  • The redtails quest exclamation mark wont go away after accepting or completing the quest.
  • When you put an orb on the tip of the muskete and then remove it, you lose the orb and the particles of the orb will remain floating on the air for some time.
  • I had a crash by opening the steamVr overlay while on the airship

The overall experience has been awesome and people are really kind, I had a lot of fun and cant wait for open alpha.
Really looking forward to Runesmithing, alchemy has been awesome.

I would like to address the voice chat system. I know we have had problems with it before but I much preferred the old proximity based solution. I used to be able to tell where my tank was when he spoke but now no matter where he is, if he is within earshot, he sounds like he is right behind me as well as everyone else speaking. I also experienced multiple people having a screeching or static sharp noise come through their voice chat that never happened before with the old chat. I would much prefer the old voice chat system being mute sometimes rather than that ear splitting noise from the new one.


Yeah, we can fix the proximity sounding issue that actually has nothing to do with the old vs. new system, it’s just a slider that got pushed too far one way.

The screeching is happening when people first log in before their mic is totally initialized, I will add a bit of a delay so that hopefully doesn’t happen.

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Awesome. Thank you Riley.

Trying to be a bit more concise here as I left general feedback in the other thread. Some of the issue are repeats, but I only included them if they came up during the playsession. As always, all feedback given with best intentions, and if any additional information (including video footage) may be helpful, let me know.


  • Major Bug: Instancing: Still regularly getting shunted into my own empty reality. Was worse this playtest and was happening a lot when leaving training and housing instances, like I wasn’t being transitioned back correctly. Also happened randomly while moving around or even standing in a group
  • Major Bug: Crashing: Had a lot more crashes this playtest than previous, of various types, tried to submit a bunch of reports for them
  • Major Bug: Exploit: You can still get infinite gold from repeatedly declining multiple of the Noah’s Ark quests
  • Major Bug: Proximity Chat: While it no longer cuts out completely, it will very frequently get extremely choppy, and - occasionally oddly high-pitched. This was extremely challenging, especially when trying to organize the raid or teach new players about the game
  • Major Bug: Questing: Seemed like there were still a number of ways people could get into a broken questing state (Full inventory, picking up quest items in advance, approaching NPCs in the wrong order, etc)
  • Major Bug: PvP: If you queue up for PvP in a group, you can’t fight each other
  • Bug: Quest: Precompleting a number of quests resulted in undesired behavior where you needed to speak to the NPC repeatedly
  • Bug: Quest: Marcel gives a follow-up quest to kill redtails which looks like it’s intended to be indefinitely repeatable as there is an exclamation mark present, but he doesn’t respond
  • Bug: Quest: The follow-up quest to get more pet treats never seemed to be available
  • Bug: Warrior: Had a few occasions where my shield stopped taking hits at all until I relogged
  • Bug: Ice Lance: Ice lance still has a minor delay after casting before further casting is permitted
  • Bug: UI: Tooltips often only display when pointed at in certain boxes in the inventory
  • Bug: Empowered Strikes Potion: I’m 90% sure the buff did not persist through death as advertised
  • Bug: Runecasting: Had a few cases where any spell I cast would immediately detonate upon trying to launch it.
  • Bug: Runecasting: Still have an issue that activating your ultimate while you have a spell loaded blocks you from casting for at least a while.
  • Bug: Polymorph: Some mobs (like lizardmen) don’t change into a chicken correctly
  • Bug: Animation: Bandits do not have a death animation
  • Bug: UI: Sometimes putting items (and journal) behind your head doesn’t register as putting it away
  • Minor Bug: Patcher: Sometimes it will say “Submitting” indefinitely when submitting a log
  • Minor Bug: Journal: Quests still track counts above their target goal: Example - 127/10
  • Minor Bug: Harvesting: There was a harvest node near the Wilderboards near (Treetop I believe, next to Graveyard) that couldn’t be harvested
  • Minor Bug: Icons: Various items are still pending icons or have non-matching icons
  • Minor Bug: Giant Growth: Not sure if it’s because I was insta-killing lowbie mobs but I was able to do so without it ending the effect
  • Minor Bug: Pet: When entering my house, my pet would be floating in mid-air for a bit and then pop to the ground
  • Minor Bug: Pet: Pet could often not keep up and need to warp to owner
  • Minor Bug: Elongata: The visual effects around the boulders still do not appear, regardless of class


  • Feedback: Doors: It seems like you need to open doors much further than before for them to register, which feels awkward
  • Feedback: Quest: Difficult for players to find King Stag. Additional stairs and markers may help
  • Feedback: Alchemy: Feels bad I can’t include all my alchemy materials in the alchemy chest
  • Feedback: Journal: Journal is better but navigating it becomes a little onerous once you have multiple potions, all the fish, the intro, and a few quests in there
  • Feedback: UI: I seem to accidentally open the menu up a lot when moving my hand around pointed to select things, kinda wish I could turn it off
  • Feedback: Giant Growth: Might be handy to have users voice audio increase (with a slight booming reverb element), I found it handy during raid prep to get people’s attention
  • Feedback: Storage: Storage continues to be an escalating issue, and is causing secondary issues with quests due to full inventories
  • Feedback: Elongata: Would it be possible to have Elongata be respawnable without a delay if it despawned (due to killing everyone) with the 5 minute cooldown still be applied if it was killed
  • Feedback: UI: Stack splitting would be really nice
  • Feedback: Settings: Setting audio levels is amazing, thank you

Addendum (Issues noticed while reviewing footage):

  • Minor Bug: Quest UI: “spider” in the quest log is lower case whereas other mob names are upper
  • Minor Bug: Quest: It appears the name of Adolescent Pigman is truncated in the journal to “Slay Adolescent Pig”
  • Minor Bug: Quest: May or may not be a bug, but the journal calls out “Lizard Adolescent” rather than “Lizard Man Adolescent” which makes it sounds like you need to kill a young normal lizard
  • Bug: UI: Not all mobs and NPCs had names above their heads, it was very inconsistent
  • Bug: Icelance: Damage pop-ups on Icelance still overlap, making them impossible to read (at least on crits)