Beta 6 Patch 2.91

When is this going to be fixed?

Thank you so much, the download worked from there perfectly.

When you say you compared it to the old game, were you comparing it based on when the bow stopped drawing back (like the arrow stopped moving), or were you comparing it based on the damage numbers and ignoring that part of it?

Based on when the arrow stops, i have to make longer real-life movements than i did in the old game to make it reach max distance which is not how rapidity worked

Okayā€¦I mean I have checked the code itself and the maximum bow drawback distance in both cases is 0.45 meters. I even booted up a copy of the old game to make sure and if I have my arrow hand right by my cheek, I have to hold the bow out to almost the full extent of my other arm with a very slight bend to be drawn all the way back.

I am looking through the damage code now to make sure that didnā€™t change, which is more possible. The only thing I can think of that was happening is you were not actually fully drawing the bow back but we werenā€™t requiring you to do that to get full damage previously server-side.

And just to be sure, you think you are having to draw it farther back to get the same distance as before, not the same damage?

Old orbus: left arm not completely stretched, right controller in front of my chest with enough space not to hit myself to completely draw the arrow and do the max damage
Reborn: left arm needs to be completely stretched, right controller nearly touch my chest in order to draw the arrow at the max distance.

In both cases the damage is geatly reduced if i donā€™t fully draw the arrow, it just was much easier in orbus to reach max distance.

Okay, so not trying to be annoying, but just trying to track down the issue.

You are using ā€œdamageā€ and ā€œdistanceā€ interchangeably, and they are two different things in terms of what goes where. Is the problem that you think you have to draw it back further to shoot it as far as before, or to do as much damage as before?

Because I think the distance is based on the horizontal offset value I mentioned earlier, but the damage is based on a different part of the code, so I am wondering if the distance hasnā€™t changed but somehow the damage drawback requirement has.

Sorry, for ā€œdistanceā€ i didnā€™t mean the distance the arrow reach after you shoot, i meant the draw-back before you shoot it (when it stops moving) so when i say

i meant it was easier to fully draw the arrow.

Gotcha, okay. Alright, well if there is a problem I think I know what the cause might be, I will try something out in the next patch tomorrow, see if that helps.


If you have time with your next patch can you please turn down the brightness of the lifewell combat rez? It is almost blinding. It has been an issue for a while and I think it keeps getting overlooked because of larger issues you are working on.
Many thanks and keep up the good work.
Also the tree boss in Highsteep was bugging out and might need a reset. It was stuck running up the hill to the carrot toss event for some reason.


Which spec were you getting 12k dps on? I saw at least double that (using damage meters) from some other rangers in shard dungeons. as a single target dps mage i was seeing about even numbers against rangers (noted this is before the affinity change; i will test more tonight and see the difference again).

Riley mentioned that he would add a boss target dummy to play with. I donā€™t know if that will be added next patch or some time in the future though.

Rapidity, which to be fair is weaker than precision now

12k doesnā€™t seem right. Was it on one of the bosses with damage mitigation phases?

i dunnoā€¦ seems right to me. unless i hit every single target with my arrows, even as precision ranger, there is absolutely no way i can hit 12k dps.

I will test this theory on the target dummy later though.

where does one download the dmg meter?

What level bow/affix is he using?

The damage meter is still in testing and isnā€™t released to the public yet, those that support the armory via patron have access to it for testing and feedback, if you are interested hereā€™s a link

Potato did say at one point I had 500% crit rate which seems a little high even for a Scoundrel. I was in Shiki party and was only at 9k dps. Everything in the dungeon felt like it took forever to kill so Iā€™m tempted to accept the low numbers even though Iā€™m not sure how

There is a issue with the damage meter showing very inaccurate crit rates, but the numbers for total damage done and dps seem very accurate.

Have you run with many Scoundrels? I feel like my dps could have been much much higher. I missed the majority of the 100k+ charge shots that would boost damage considerably lol. Once some talented Scoundrels pop up I think theyā€™ll be picked up pretty quickly.