Beta 6 Patch 2.91

It was the chaos hunter, with a +2 bow and I’m assuming charged strikes. Rapidity ranger has been a bit broken so I’m not surprised if its Really low

doesn’t seem to have a link anywhere on the patreon.

It’s in a channel in our discord you get access to with the silver and gold subscription


It is likely someone will do a better job than me on this but here we go:


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Sigh… 10$ is too much for early access to the dmg meter. Can I just give programming help instead?

Yep I’ll do that, it won’t be inthis morning’s but the next one.


You should be able to select Shield leach in the next client update. As for activating the talents, the description doesn’t describe to you the best way to activate it. To “smash” your shield, you just have to do the following.

  • Raise your shield above your head (similar to heman).
  • Hold the grip button, and you will start to feel a vibration ramp up.
  • Then let go of the grip button, and just “throw” the shield down towards the ground. No need to crouch or actually hit the ground with your shield.

When you let go of the grip button, or you lower your hand before you “throw”, the vibration starts to get weaker, so you still have a second to do the throw down gesture. So think of it kind of like you are “charging” your shield while you are gripping it in the air, and while it is charged, you can throw it towards the ground to smash it. And it loses its charge over a second if you stop holding it high up.

ah, that makes way more sense, thank you.
might wanna change the description tho.