Beta 6 Patch 2.93

Do you think that’s true in terms of it being kind of a one-shot fest right now?

yea everyone can get one shot, with scoundrels doing the one shotting the most. if u turn down the healing in pvp to the same amount the damage gets turned down that would be good and make the fights last longer.
also doesnt the paladin have a large amount less health than the warrior without the dmg resistance? it atleast feels that way when i watch other tanks take hits

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Can you PLEASE make it so when you mute a bard it will also mute their music too, it’s very easy for people to grief each other using bard


I had mostly rank 4 and rank 5 up. The problem is it is really hard to tell which rank is up as it is very small to see the rank. This needs to be a lot bigger or needs to appear somewhere else so we can see it better. As for card rotation, I feel I have a pretty good grasp of what to use, burn, etc. The 15-20% I was accounting for was for not having rank 5 up the whole time.

You’re totally right, there is a bug on that where the base vitality rating isn’t increasing like it should. Looks like it’s affecting Scoundrel and Paladin, both should be a little tougher than they are. I will get that fixed.

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I’d like to see the battle last a bit longer. Having one-shots makes healers moot in battles and requires less strategy. No one should be able to one shot another class. If our health was increased 3 times or if dmg nerfed on PvP was decreased 3 times, that might do the trick. The only caveat to that is that might make the healing classes OP. My guess is you’ll have to mess around with it a few times to find a happy medium for balance.

Well right now we are basically artificially boosting the damage in PvP by 2x, based on before the combat re-works how often people missed. I will turn it down a bit and we’ll see what that feels like.

Okay, so I pushed out a patch which should be live for new BGs and dungeon runs (and will roll out everywhere next server restart) with the Paladin and Scoundrel base hitpoint increase/fix, and the PvP damage is now less artificially inflated.

This is actually scoundrel-feedback, but also about balancing/the beta in general:

There’s factors which make comparing and testing dmg very hard, like, some got already shard 6-10 gear, old classes runetiled and all, while I fight with my green leveling gun… The time in the beta is too short to say much about the new classes in comparison imo. Since progress isn’t saved many people I know, specially non-hardcore players, are waiting for launch to play or least go all in; so there’s likely not even a handful players having a scoundrel at 30 AND geared up, playing in groups with old classes equally geared up.

From the few (3) normal runs I did with 30 I see my dmg numbers at around half of (very) good rangers and mages currently, not using true gambler - likely a bad idea when just learning boss mechanics - and rarely hitting more than rank 3.
Also I hold back with damage to have enough bullets left to interrupt (not sure if that still applies to after-patch) or to deploy the 5% dmg buff for everyone, so scoundrel is perhaps intentionally a bit lower than other classes.

As for using the deck ‘properly’, what I notice is that most fights are too short for this, trashmobs are long dead before I can even draw 2 cards, like I finally got a spread combo prepared and we are standing at the boss already, luck plays a big role.
I miss any spreading-option of buffs which is easier available, like, before the trash is nuked by the mage :wink: ; waiting for any proper 2-card combo is mostly not an option because then you need to pause damage; cheat doesn’t seem to be very useful, I’d be fine with only having spread/empower.

With bossfights it’s a bit better, but luck still plays a big role with that many cards; some are neither good to burn, store or use (like Light in bossfights).

A physical issue I got with storing is that it currently takes time to make it stick, drawing attention away from the fight and I accidentally use the stored card on one of the next draws anyway, this spot seems bit too close to my deck.

It doesn’t feel like anything changed on this front. Everyone can still be killed very quickly. Everyone needs a nerf to their dmg in PvP. Paladins are still a bit OP. The problem is they can practically heal to full, take more hits than other classes, and kill players just as fast as the other classes. If you are able to heal and take hits, you shouldn’t be able to kill players as fast as a mage/scoundrel/ranger. They also have ranged dmg and aren’t kitable like warriors. Easiest thing to balance in PvP is dmg without affecting PvE. I think their dmg reduction should be increased back to where it is for PvE, but their dmg should be significantly reduced. A tank should be all about survival not dealing mass amounts of dmg.

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is the damage reduction of all classes active in the overworld as well as the BG?

The tuning is the same in the overworld and BGs now yes.