Beta 6 Patch 2.95

Any news on if the menu text corruption bug is better/worse?

I had it show up after the last patch when logging between characters, no longer online to send any logs or anything now though

still happening.

If you all could provide me with some more information that would be great. Like, how long had you been playing when it happened, had you logged out and back in on a different character during that session, does closing the whole program down and restarting it fix it…anything else you can think of that might help me reproduce it or track it down.

I was fishing when I happened to me, logged out and back into the same character about 2 times then logged into a different character and that’s when I noticed the menu buttons where messed up, writing seemed fine, i went to bed shortly after though

Not sure if anyone has reported this yet, but the mage spells appear in the wrong location for everyone but the mage. You can see the spell moving and curving, but it doesn’t appear in the right spot and stays in the air after it hits its target. This is most noticeable in pvp, but also happens in pve

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  • played a couple minutes; happened again after couple minutes doing different things
  • only playing one character, not logging into others
  • could be reproduced after relog and shutting down the whole game, as well

I could not reproduce any text bugs today. Also this is a very old bug, on some days I had exact same in the OG - not whole texts gone, but the missing letters when clicking or hovering - on most days it was ok though, so no clue what could be causing it.