Black Screen Bug Beta 6

For some reason, I cannot login to the game. Whenever I press the login button the music starts playing like the game is starting, but the screen is black. The teleportation green arc still shows up, but the screen is still black. I have tried exiting and restarting the game, re-installing the game and relogging. This happened right after I tried re-logging to fix the teleportation device that would not work, even in non-pvp zones (I have PVP enabled) and not being able to talk.

Quick update: I hear the house music in the background, so my teleportation device worked, but everything is black…

It sounds like your character is stuck in a wall or something? What is the name of it we will move it back to your house.

The username is MagicBlade

Okay give it a try now.

It worked, thanks for the help!

Also stuck in a black screen. Character name is Squall.

Okay I moved you too…was this also after you logged out after using the Teleportation Device?

yes it was. [20 characters]

after walking into lamavora i desynced, and relogged. after relogging i log back into pure black and can only see my hands as a yellow outlines when above items on my character, and cant do anything else
any way u can tele me out?

What character are you on?

my regular one, Kamina

Okay, try now.

Also what do you mean by desync?

k, loading back up.

and by desync i mean i couldnt make anything actually do anything after interacting it, couldnt see any mobs or my dragon, etc etc.

also on a completly different note the epic founder dragon for me, so a real one, is completly brown, while every other person, founder or not, has a epic founder dragon with color.

after re entering lamavora the same exact thing happened. afterwards this time i tried to enter highsteppe again, but it was the same there with no mobs and now im logging back into black screen again

Hmmm I wonder if something is wrong with that zone. I moved you back again, I would stay out of it for a bit while we investigate.

Okay so that zone had crashed but for some reason didn’t get cleaned up. It should be fixed now and also if you were getting a black screen trying to load into it should work now.

I am not getting a black screen. I can see people moving about, but I cannot move. I can grab my weapon and everything I just can’t move at all. My character’s name is Gitine.

Just now everything desync’d (Dragon racing timer froze and rings did nothing) and had to close out manually. After hitting login it’s just a black screen. Was in Highsteppe.

I’m stuck in a black void after leaving the player house.
I’m not sure if I teleported or walked home last night when I logged off, I just logged in, wandered around the house a bit then tried to leave.
Character: August