[BUG] Musketeer "I loaded ammo, but really I didn't load any ammo"

I’m sure most Musky’s have dealt with this.

You grab an orb, you put it in your gun, the gun says “Aw yeah, I have a special ammo, let’s do this!” And then two seconds later the orb joins the orbit around your gun again, and when you fire - no special ammo is used.

If I hadn’t loaded it properly, it wouldn’t have shown up properly in the muzzle. If I had loaded it properly, it would have fired when I shot, instead of a normal bullet and the special ammo orbiting my gun again.


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I think this bug is due to the bug fix attempt for rangers and muskies, where orbs/arrows are rechecked every 5 seconds. For rangers it seems to work really well, but i have noticed that for musketeers, you often find that the orb check happens during orb loading, and produces the above.

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I think this is correct and the reason why, but I’ll check with the team again and see if we put a fix for that yet or not.

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So musketeer orbs reappear even after loading the orb into the gun after a few seconds. This bandaid fix was supposed to prevent orbs from not appearing anymore (but its still happening, just less often now).

At the same time, if you hold an orb in your hand for enough time for the orb to reappear around the gun, the orb in your hand no longer loads into the gun.

But this “time” it takes to reset actually adds up. So if you hold it for 3 seconds and then load it. Fire the orb. Then hold an orb for 2 seconds, then fire it. Then the next orb you hold will disappear within 1-2 seconds so it can actually disappear as you go to load the gun.

Essentially the new bandaid system to fix orbs disappearing is creating a new problem for orb loading because you eventually will have an orb simply disappear out of your hand as you go to load the orb no matter how long you hold it as it just adds up time until it “resets”.

Edit: Not sure why my post was merged into this thread considering the issue I pointed out is separate from Nicholas’ issue where he actually loads the orb into the gun, and the orb starts to spin around the gun again, but nothing is fired out. In Nicholas’ case, the loaded orb should fire even if the orb “resets”.

My post is about how the orb disappears from your actual hand before you load it into the gun. So its never gets to the point where it loads, and its a separate case from Nicholas. Unless Nicholas’ didn’t actually notice the orb disappearing from his hand and therefore never loading the orb.

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