Closed Alpha Feedback Thread: April 20th

Oh, bet that restart is what happened.

Now that the server is restarted, to clarify on the XP thing. Basically what we have right now is not what the final XP system will be…right now it’s basically giving out way more XP than it should if you are just in a mass mob attacking a target. We haven’t had time yet to implement the “correct” XP system which basically should divide up the XP among people who attack a monster based on how much damage you do to it. So that’s why everyone is gaining XP like crazy.

I might have time later today to put in a better system, if not then we’ll just go with it for now. I guess during Alpha it’s better to let people gain too much XP than not enough, but at the same time we don’t want people getting to level 8 in like an hour haha.

This does seem to have fixed the height issue.

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Okay so in the realm of “Alpha means we get to experiment” in about 15 minutes I’m going to attempt to kill only the zone process. What should happen is basically you see a “ripple” where monsters move around slightly and then you can just keep playing and everyone is still in the same zone and parties. Worst case scenario you’ll have to reconnect.

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Everyone just disappeared for my bro… and network error.

Okay, so that did not work as planned, haha. Good learning moment, though. Anyway, I had to do a full restart.

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Putting away gear seems a little buggier than before, my arrow is getting put away very inconsistently.

Also maybe there is some way to flick party chat on and off? The compass flickers in and out of red pretty often when pointing it towards your face and talking.

Buggier than before as in buggier than the last stress test? Or…?

And yeah we need to make the ‘target area’ on the player compass larger. What actually seems to work best for me is holding it front of my eyes rather than my mouth.

  • Warrier’s “tap shield on ground” ability gets triggered when you duck.
  • Appearance doesn’t appear to update in the loading/status screen.

If you were having an issue previously with the Warrior’s sword not always working after teleporting around, where it couldn’t hit anything even though you had it out, that should now be fixed.

Is fishing functioning only to a certain degree? I tried multiple times in different spots and while I can catch a fish (which also the text is backwards) it doesn’t actually let me keep it. It just says it’s 5 lbs and then it falls off the line while I get no exp for catching it.

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Yes, that’s all it does right now.

bug: Warrior’s sword throw teleport can teleport you onto the side of a hill where you couldn’t otherwise go. Then you can’t teleport out except with the sword throw teleport.

Will also let you teleport off the airship. =D If you do that, you remain attached to the airship and ge drug along the ground beneath it. =D


Could also have been the result of attaching the sword to the airship.

Also, opening the “To Graveyard” option while being drug by the airship leaves your respawn dialog far behind. =D

Yeah you probably just need to logout and back in completely once it messes up that bad haha.

Yup, that resolved it. =D

Yeah having alot of fun with the sword mountain bug/feature now :stuck_out_tongue:

(On top of one of the huge mountains after 5 min throwing. And appearently on the edge of the map where you can hover :slight_smile: )

Getting some really slow loading of other player names/stats/outfits.

Yeah, I meant than the last stress test. Nothing happens some of the time when clicking over the shoulder.

Also the ranger helmet from the spiders only appears for half their head from the one I’ve seen.