The fishing lure seems to share an inventory slot with the first arrow. Not sure if I’m explaining that well…For instance…if you have two arrows equipped…and then switch to a fishing rod - the first arrow is where a lure should be. Vice versa - if fishing and have a lure in the inventory spot - then switch to your bow - a lure is in the first arrow slot. Not sure if this is intentional or not.
Just don’t cast with a poison arrow in that slot. The EPA will have a fit.
Yeah it’s intentional currently. We’ll probably make those auto-unequip at some point when you switch classes.
Yeah I have tried it now. It started well with only 350 milliseconds latency. But after spamming some arrows the game now gets increased latency. It got increased to 2300 milliseconds and after that to 9820 milliseconds. And nothing seems to react anymore except players
I seem to be having much more latency this test as well. I have not tried the alternate connection type however. This is my first test not on an island in the Bering Sea so I assumed my connection would be much better…not sure if it’s just because more “things” are in the game now and more data is being transferred or if it’s something else…
Okay well try the alternate connection type as well and see if it helps any.
As far as I know nothing should be different on our end from the last test…the new zone wouldn’t affect you unless you were actually in it, haha.
But between you two and one person on the Discord it does seem like something weird is going on. I’ve been watching several people play on the stream and they aren’t having any issues…where in the world are you all currently located?
I’ve been by the farm, by the wolves, and in the jungle. Same issue throughout - I’m wondering if my internet here - albeit faster - is just more unstable.
No I mean like are you in UK? Norway?
Oh lol, whoops! Nope - I was in Alaska for the other tests - I’m currently in Pennsylvania.
Oh well that’s interesting. The other guy having issues is in the UK…
Interestingly, our Cloudflare (CDN) status page currently says PHL - Philadelphia, PA, United States Re-routed
So I think there might be an issue affecting you at that level…
And I am in The Netherlands if you need that info too.
CPU running only 15% and memory usage only 2500 MB. So that should not be a problem either. Internet still steady too with a ping of 8 milliseconds and download of 130 Mbits/second and upload of 15 Mbits/second.
If anyone else who’s located in Europe happens to see this and can let me know if they’re currently having issues as well that would be helpful…right now I have one person from the UK and one (you, Scott) from the Netherlands saying they are having pretty extreme packet loss/latency going on.
First time trying game, SteamVr just keeps saying unresponsive vrclient.exe for about half a second then it goes to happy normal icon, then back. game is so laggy I can not even select new character. Maine, USA, system stable at about 50% CPU and 35% Ram. game only using ~3.6%
In the dungeon the mobs are so clustered on top of each other every sword swing counts as multiple so combos won’t trigger. Left left left right right right up up up is not how provoke is supposed to work haha
Be sure you’re using lots of CC…the fights are currently designed assuming you are going to CC 2-3 of the mobs in each pull.
Hmmm…I don’t think that would be a network issue as it doesn’t even connect to our servers until after you pick a character.
Do you have any sort of supersampling in the Steam settings or like the advanced SteamVR tray tool set up? Usually when people have extreme graphical lag it’s due to that.
Ah, that fixed it, thanks.
So Scott_M and Zurtagh, try downloading this new launcher:
Then once you extract it, go into your current launcher folder and move your (Launcher Folder)/resources/app/client folder into the same spot in the new launcher folder (move the whole client folder).
When you do that you should be able to launch the new Launcher and pick the “Direct” connection type. Let me know if that helps at all with the lag you were experiencing.
Okey so I tried playing the game again (after an hour pause). And it seems like it is working fine now. So I am currently NOT using the new 0.45 launcher you gave. If it starts to fail again I will try the new launcher.
But only one question about the instructions. Do you want us to move:
launcher0.3/resources/app/client to launcher0.4/resources/app/client
launcher0.4/resources/app/client to launcher0.3/resources/app/client
You would move the 0.3 client folder into the new 0.45 folder. Basically that just saves you from having to re-download the whole thing again. If you don’t do it right it’s no biggie it would just re-download the files again which may take a while.
Our UK player said the new 0.45 client helped them, but I am having them re-check the original method to make sure it didn’t just fix itself in the meantime…it may have just been temporary network congestion between Europe and the U.S. or something…
EDIT: UK player reports that the Default/Alt regular non-new connection types are working now for them…so we dont really know if the new Direct method is any better. It seems like it was just bad network congestion between the US and Europe temporarily or something…bad timing I guess?