Closed Beta 4 Feedback

Okay, will fix that as well. Don’t trade them away or you won’t be able to get new ones :slight_smile:

we are tracking this bug, it will be fixed when we do a new patch, thanks.

The leaves on the palm trees in the jungle area have green boxes around them.

BTW, LOVE the new texturing.

okay thanks for the heads up ill look at them, and fix before next patch.

Is there any way to snap a screenshot for me and send it over, its not showing up for me in the editior

crashed with this too, report sent

Are you crashing more/less/the same than last test? And is it generating any actual crash log folders in under /resources/app/client ?

Can do.

Also, it looks like the HP bar for the Large Shield is incorrectly displaying. Through most of a fight, it’s not going down at all, then it drops really quickly. It looks like the Max shield HP is set to the size of the small shield, and for the big shield, since the max is higher, the bar just extends out invisibly. (I hope that makes sense).

yeah i didn’t have many hard crash last test, now already 5. No folders.

It’s looking like warrior is much better balanced now. I’ve tried both shields against mobs on par with my level and both shields break about the same time as I kill the mob. (keep in mind that I do still have blue gear from higher level mobs from a prev test).

In PvP arena are mobs, and you can level up and get a loot from slaying them

EDIT: also when you kill someone in PvP you will get a drop (large shield)

Im not sure if I’m doing something wrong but I cannot play the runemage with my left hand as main, the rune will not write

Hmmm, definitely sounds like a bug. If you put your wand away and take it back out it doesn’t fix it? Are you on Rift or Vive?

Leveling up and getting loot from the mobs in PvP is the intended gameplay. You can choose to level up and fight things and get better loot, or choose to just straight attacking others. None of the loot you get/lose in the PvP arena carries forward in the “real world”, though.

The shield dropping in PvP is a bug that should be fixed shortly, thanks.

Issuing a server restart now, stand by.

The shields should no longer drop during PvP combat.

Didn’t have much time with it but wanted to throw a few things out there. I created a new character to see how things look from a new player stand point. When I logged in I did not get the starting video I got last time I created new, nor did I get any information on who to talk to or how to talk to them.

I love the new art look, a vast improvement. The trails you have following players is too flashy. Most people use the stride option as opposed to teleporting so it basically looks like they are walking around with pixie dust shooting from their arses. Perhaps make it a less flashy line on the ground?

Will log on my other character in a few hours and check more things out. Keep up the great work guys.

I love the direction you’re going with the ranger. Rewarding the ranger for getting quality shots instead of rewarding them for just spamming arrows at point blank range! This is a great change!

After a bit of testing though, 25% dmg for having all 5 globes isn’t enough to make that play style more dps. Not really even close.

At point blank range I can shoot 3-4 arrows every second (it’s really not that hard). At 10-15 yards I drop down to around 1 arrow a second if I want to be accurate. Beyond 15 yards it takes a second to really aim (specially on a moving target), so I’d say 0.5 arrows a second.

So here are some loose math numbers:
Damage over 2 seconds:
Point blank: 6-8 arrows at 100% dmg = 600-800% damage
10-15 yards: 2 arrows at 125% dmg = 250% damage
15+ yards: 1 arrow at 125% dmg = 125% damage

Obviously these numbers are estimated and some people seem to shoot faster than me. But you get the idea!

Suggested Fix:
Spamming arrows isn’t hard, or fun, just tiresome. If we don’t want to reward that play style then the damage bonus for quality shooting needs to be much much higher. And/or the damage done at short range needs to have a penalty.

I’m definitely not looking for the ranger to be overpowered, but I’d love to be rewarded for getting in long ranged headshots. It’s so satisfying to pull those off. Then to see them do basically the same damage as spamming up close makes it feel a lot less meaningful.

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Yeah, this is just one step in the process. Introducing the mechanic, making sure it works, and then we’ll continue balancing around it. The end goal is definitely to tune the Ranger such that we are rewarding a combination of long-distance and up-close shooting. Things we may end up doing might include:

  1. Further reducing the damage cap in terms of spamming arrows (right now you can’t fire more than 3/sec without the rest becoming only worth 1 damage…we may reduce that to 2/sec).
  2. Giving a higher bonus for the globe system
  3. Giving additional benefits to highly-rated shots (such as higher crit chance or something like that).

That said, the other thing to keep in mind is that you’re only comparing the basic arrow shots. I haven’t had a chance to sit down and do the math fully on this myself yet, but in the end we’re looking at the whole battle. So what I mean is, +25% damage to your Poison arrow on every tick, +25% damage to your spread arrow on all 5 shots…these things add up. The goal isn’t to get you to have to fire every single shot from 15 meters away, it’s to get you to want to strategically choose when a long-range shot will be beneficial overall in combination with your abilities, how you know the fight will unfold, etc. But certainly we can’t have a situation where it’s always better just to spam up-close or it’s not working :slight_smile:

Awesome! I love hear that. Plus your thoughts on the topic are better than my own when you say:
The goal isn’t to get you to have to fire every single shot from 15 meters away, it’s to get you to want to strategically choose when a long-range shot will be beneficial overall

I hadn’t thought of the affect on special arrows. Glad you’re at the helm Riley!

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