Combat Logs in Reborn (and Code of Conduct Update)

Necroing this thread after going through some logs to help @Mathieu_D with balancing as there are quite a lot of changes that would be nice to have/needed to improve the combat logs to make it clearer on what is happening and for improving the parser on the armory

After going through a lot of logs recently, I noticed it still doesn’t show when a player dies, it only shows when a mob dies

Other than that which needs fixing, there are these things the would be nice to have / needed:

  • Names of Abilities used (I know this would take more work but it’s needed)
  • Name of class used (until the above could be added, this will make it easier to see which class was used)
  • The name of the Dungeon (or raid and the difficulty) when entering, and the difficulty of the shard and which mutations it was (makes it so we can then link logs to run, helpful for self improvement and more in depth tracking of fights/difficulties)
  • Damage migrated via shields/abilities
  • Over-healing done
  • When attacks are successfully interrupted (and who used the interrupt)