This makes more “annoying” dungeons such as the mines/temple quicker to get to.
There is no shortage of runemage reagents lol, and at the rate we loot them I doubt this will push anyone into the negative as you probably are going to loot several in 1 dungeon run.
Having a teleportation pillar as a buy on for the house would also be nice…
I don’t remember what the reasoning was with not beeing able to mage to all pillars, the instant that was done, mags portal became more or less obsolete. A big loss in my opinion
Huge loss, it was a fun & useful skill to learn. Now I have 3000+ runemage reagents…& I use them gratuitously. I won’t even walk 100 feet if I can just teleport lol.
My best guess is because of the guy who had shakey hands. They wanted to make casting teleport easier for everyone, and they had a lot more pillars in the game. Using less runes at a time for step 2/3 in the ritual means they can look only for these runes during those steps, and ignore all other runes. However it really doesn’t seem hard, and never was hard with some practice even for people who I know & have shakey hands. They just need the symbols they choose to be different enough, imo. Runemages should already be able to cast most/all of the spells just as they do normally…just pick the easier ones. Less experienced runemages should use the default non-mage pillar teleport method like everyone else.
This is also obsoleted by the fact any player can teleport using pillars now, and teleport is not required.
They could also do more of a township-tale type of portal where you can see visually what location you are teleporting to rather than a glowing blue ball. They could also add floating runic text above the orb that literally spells out the location like “Rope Bridge” to prevent trolling or accidentally going to the wrong place.
I guess the only thing is that it would add more PvP safezones, but is that really a big issue? IMO no.
Speaking of home-teleport pillars, would be interesting to trade idk 1000 runemage reagents to get some rare component to craft it w/ tinkering? That would easily sink many runemage reagents and give them sudden value again.
As per mechanics:
You wouldn’t teleport right to it to make things easier on the dev’s. You would just teleport to the same location as your toolbelt item/cookie/home teleport. However it would be nice to TP off of it to other pillars (when build mode is deactivated). It would indeed need runemage teleport symbols.
I second all of this! I sometimes use portals to hop from event to event, but it mostly takes up 2 reagents and loading twice makes it less fast.
Temple one is not too far away (wouldn’t mind one at the entrance, but still), one for Mine in the cave is badly needed, though. Mine shards are still the least done and that is really not because everyone hates it. Having to run, leash mobs in the cave to get there and wait for people, sometimes with potion time ticking, plays a big role, least for our groups.
Also there should be a pillar at the portal event, up on the hill, in Highsteppe, the next one is pretty far away. This would also help treasure hunt, since a dlc area is now up there OR pillars to port to all dlc areas, directly, like in the center of Mugwood, would actually be best.
I would spend 1 mil to be able to teleport into my house with a spell. I guess it would make the cookie useless, but if the price is high enough that shouldn’t matter.