[EU] Rebels - Recruitment

Our fellowship is concentrating on dungeons and end game content while trying to build a friendly and helpful community where you can always find some help to your ingame problems.
We are playing and organizing our activities according to CET, you have to accept this when joining us. This means we expect new members mainly from Europe.

To join us:

  • You don’t have to be lvl20
  • You don’t have to be exceptionally skilled with your chosen class (The only people who can not learn anything are those who are convinced they are good enough.)
  • You have to be a team player
  • You have to be older than 18
  • We have no minimum lvl requirement, we will help you with leveling up if you prove that you can be a part of our little community.

If you are interested you can find us on Discord:

Best chances to find anyone online is after 17:00. Yes, most of us are working during the day. :slight_smile:

After joining us we will require that be present on discord at least while in a dungeon with us.
In game look for Shazul or ask any other member for directions.


I can confirm, that this group of people is really helpful and very active. <3

I’ll pop in discord later today.
Lvl 17 Runemage
Team player, Check!
Older than 18? Check
Happy to play lvl 7 Warrior when needed in dungeons!

Lvl 18 Musketer
Team player, yes!
Older than 18? above and more.

lvl 12 ranger
lvl 7 rune


Minox is an excellent player, I highly recommend him.

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i’ll second that. And minox will also bring his friend ‘Bettan’ hopefully who also is a great player! (ranger)

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I would like to join if you’re still recruiting! My in game name is Mythgos and I’m a level 11 Runemage. I can hop into discord when I’m home too.

Yes we are still recruiting!

We would need some warriors because currently I’m the only one using warrior as main class but of course any other class is welcome.

Awesome, I’ll hop on discord in a bit to say hi to everyone! I’m a level 12 musketeer and level 11 rune mage

Joined this group yesterday, very friendly, welcoming and helpful.

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The Rebels are still recruiting!

We already have many great and skilled members but we still need more! If you are interested in becoming a part of a friendly group which is aiming to clear all the current and future endgame in a comfortable pace then join us! We are mostly active in european time.

Few tips if you would like to join us:

You can PM me here or on discord, but to meet up and later play together in game we need some kind of voice communication. We mostly use our discord for talking to each other because the in game voice chat is unreliable.

After installing it, you will have a new Advanced Settings menu on the SteamVR panel. There you can set any of your controller buttons to enable your HMD’s microphone. PTT is good for you! (and for everyone else around you.)

  • We are also looking for other fellowships to form an alliance, meaning we could ask for their help if we are in need of more players for our activities and vice versa.

Just bumping the topic.

With the arrival of the new dungeon we need more members. For more info scroll up to the opening post!

I guess i can help bumping the topic as well…

…pssss more swedish ppl !!! :wink:

I would like to be in an european community but…

  1. I´m planning warrior as my main class but I´m only lvl 4 atm :pensive:

  2. my playing time is limited atm…mainly later in the evening like 21:00

  3. I exceed the minimum age by 20 years :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

  4. !´m from austria @Minox :zipper_mouth_face:

Well tbh the swedish part was just for fun…Austria is awsome as well…u guy’s had FALCO!!

Join our discord ( https://discordapp.com/invite/PBEt8HX ) then we can meet up somewhere.

The best would be if you could join the voice channel, that way we could talk while we are in game.

Now that guild got a truly nice recruitment post. And so many nice members. And they even cleared all of Tradu Mines! :slight_smile: :sunny:


Darn, the secret is out…

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Hello, I would like to join, my pg is only ten right now, only proble I really hate discord:)

You should likely give Discord a try, there are no guilds I know not using it and once you get used to it, it’s normally no problem… you would have no access to material, announcements, party requests etc. and would not even see who’s online without it. The reason is that the ingame voice chat isn’t good enough for partys - in dungeons you hear nothing if too far away and can (or rather should :wink: ) not use your compass during fights- and the fellowship lists don’t show who’s online.